Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Ability Grouping, Adult Education, Adult Basic Education, Adult Programs, Bilingual Education, English (Second Language), English for Special Purposes, ESOL, Limited English Speaking, Prior Learning, Second Language Learning.


The author developed and implemented a program using adult based competencies in the ESOL classroom. A control group was taught the same grammatical skills by traditional methods without including adult-based competencies. The author's purpose was to see whether the group taught with techniques which included adult competencies would master each skill better than the control group. Thus, a conclusion could be reached that teaching to adult competencies affects learning performance in a positive way. The basic steps of the program were to identify the problem; set the objectives; plan the activities on a daily schedule; evaluate the results; and formulate plans for its continued and expanded use in the future. Post-test results demonstrated significant positive learning performance of the group taught using adult-based competencies. Appendices include questionnaires used for students and teachers, pre and post-tests with the test results, and a placement test.

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