Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science Elementary Education


Center for Advancement of Education


Basic Skills, Behavior Patterns, Independent Study, Study Habits, Study Skills, Word Study Skills


A sequential approach to daily independent work involving direct teaching of integrated boardwork, and activities to build the skill of listening to follow directions was developed and implemented by the author for use with first grade elementary students. The program’s aims were to develop study and the skills of listening to follow directions, to increase time on task during independent work time. The program contained the following basic components; pre and postinventories of on task behavior, with samples taken at 15 minute intervals; pre and posttests of the kill of listening to follow directions; implementation of direct teaching of sequential integrated boardwork followed by independent work time; daily activities to develop the skill of listening to follow one, two, and three step directions, to be responded to with actions or on paper. The study skills postinventory indicated that there was a significant increase in on task behavior throughout the target group. The posttest of listening to follow directions indicated that it would be worthwhile to continue this program throughout the school year.

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