Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for Advancement of Education


Elementary Education, Primary Education, Intermediate Grades, Gifted, Academically Gifted, Gifted Students, Gifted Children, Gifted Youth Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Effectiveness, Teacher Workshops, Inservice Teacher Education, Teacher Response.


A ten week inservice training program in gifted education was developed and implemented for regular classroom teachers at the elementary school level. The goals were for the participants to show significant gains in identifying the gifted, in developing positive attitudes and in planning and utilizing appropriate methods and materials to meet their particular needs. A local survey indicated that the majority of regular education teachers were not able to identify gifted students or to provide for their affective and intellectual needs. A creative inservice training program was developed to demonstrate effective gifted education strategies. Multi-media workshops presented information on identification, differentiated curriculum, and social-emotional development. Participation in Boundary Breakers, readings, creative activities, demonstration lessons, and higher level thinking skills involved all participants. The posttest survey indicated significant gains identifying the characteristics and needs of the gifted and in developing positive attitudes. The majority of the teachers could describe effective methods and materials to use with gifted students, although further training was recommended in order to fully utilize these strategies in the classroom on a regular basis. (Appendices include samples of all materials used in the inservice training.)

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