Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to determine if there is a significant difference in role transition, as exhibited by satisfaction with nursing, for new nursing graduates having experienced a post-graduate preceptorship program as opposed to those new graduates who had not experienced such a program. Background and Significance Evaluation of established programs within as institution is an important task. Support and continuation of such programs needs to be based in research conclusions and recommendations to meet demands for accountability. The literature review includes readings on preceptorships, internship, and mentoring programs within nursing education and nursing service with an emphasis on evaluation instruments. The Nurse Satisfaction Questionnaire was designed to measure nurses’ satisfaction with their jobs and educational preparation for those jobs. This instrument was chosen as the survey instrument for this study. Procedure The procedure undertaken for this study included administering the NSQ to fifty generic nursing graduates of Nt. San Antonio College in 1983-84 and thirty nurses having completed the San Antonio Gabriel Valley Nursing Task Force Preceptorship in Nursing. The results of the two groups studied were compared and conclusions drawn as to effectiveness of the program. Data Collection and Treatment The response to the NSQ were grouped into seven factors and calculated for mean and standard deviation. A statistical t-test was applied to the data. A comparison of the control and experimental group was made to determine if there was a difference in satisfaction with nursing between the two groups. Findings From the results of the study and search of the literature, it may be implied that new nursing graduates having experienced a post-graduate preceptorship in nursing program make a smoother role transition as exhibited in satisfaction with nursing. Recommendations 1. The San Gabriel Valley Nursing Task Force and Mt. San Antonio College continue the Preceptorship in Nursing Program. 2. The survey in this study be increased in size and include graduates from a variety of schools and programs in the control group. 3. The results of this study be shared with other nursing groups and schools of nursing to encourage the expansion of the preceptoring concept to assist new graduates in their role transition. 4. Nursing education and nursing service continue to work together in a pro-active manner to solve the new graduate role transition problem within the profession.

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