Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The purpose of this study was to investigate vocational teachers attitude about merit pay. The State of Florida, in an attempt to improve the quality of education, implemented in 1984 what is known as the Master Teacher Plan. The problem was that, because of hasty implementation, frequent last-minute revisions, and bureaucratic mix-ups, there was little teacher support for the plan. An attitude survey of 72 teachers at Sheridan vocational-Technical Center was conducted for the purpose of providing the State, through the director of that center with information that could contribute to improved implementation of the plan when it is revised. An hypothesis was that there would be a major difference in attitude between teachers who applied for merit pay and those who did not. A sixteen-item survey was distributed to all full-time teachers. Each as coded ad to whether the person applied for merit pay or did not apply for merit pay. The results of the study indicate no major difference in attitude between teachers who applied for merit pay and those who did not. Furthermore, the results indicated that there was high resistance to merit pay. In spite of these negative attitude, 50 percent of those eligible did indeed apply for the award. The results implied that teachers, when given a generous incentive, will accept a merit pay plan. Another implication derived from the study was that teachers perceived the current structure of the plan to be unacceptable. The recommendations was that the criteria and strategies for selecting Master Teachers be revised to include means of selecting meritorious teachers others than subject matter exams and administrators classroom evaluations.

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