Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education


Center for the Advancement of Education


The purpose of this research was to develop a workshop to provide Trade and Industrial instructors with the skills necessary to develop and use performance-based curriculum materials in their occupational areas. Strategies for conducting this study included collecting data, investigating methodology associated with performance-based education, and comparing how others have used performance-based approaches in similar situations. The need for this workshop grow out of the passage of the State of South Carolina Education Improvement Act of 1984. One section of this act specifically mandated that all vocational courses in the State of South Caroline use performance-based education by the 1987-88 school term. As a result of this study, workshop was developed and subsequently implemented to assist Trade and Industrial Teachers in using performance-based materials. The research also produced a handbook of developmental activities for the instructors, system models, and a criterion referenced system to provide feedback on strategies and weaknesses of using this approach to train instructors to use performance-based objectives effectively. This study recommends the following to the Abbeville School District Number 60 Board of Trustees: that two inservice days be reserved for vocational teachers to participate in the performance-based curriculum workshop: that quarterly meetings be scheduled to discuss and share means of solving problems associated with the use of performance-based materials: and that a countywide committee be formed that would serve as a problem solving network and as a means of teachers combining their efforts to make job analysis of tasks presently not covered by materials provided by the State Department of Education.

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