Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Individualized Instruction, Reading Secondary, Reading Adults, Reading Instruction: Teaching Methods, Mentally Handicapped, Modality Strength, Congregate Living Quarters, Reading Improvement Methods


The author used three reading strategies with mentally handicapped readers and nonreaders living together in a center. The aim was to improve reading comprehension through the use of familiar materials to which the students could relate in an independent living environment. The reading materials were presented to each student according to his/her modality strength. Some students were use as reading tutors for the others. The reading materials focused on sequencing and following directions skills. Each student's general comprehension level was raised during the instruction period. The strategies as well as adoption in any beginning reading program. (Appendices include charts of individual student reading achievements, a copy of reading materials used, a tutoring observation checklist, and a chart on student pre-test and post-test results.)

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