Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Addition/Arithmetic/Computer Assisted Instruction/Computer Literacy/Computer Programs/Computers/ Computer Science Education/Educational Research/Elementary Education/Elementary School Mathematics/Individualized Instruction/Instructional Materials/Learning Problems/Mathematics Curriculum/Mathematics Education/Mathematics Instruction/Motivation/Primary Education/Problem Solving/Student Motivation/Subtraction


The author provided activities for a target group of third grade students who were experiencing difficulties in mastering the skills required to solve problems involving money. The program’s aims were to remediate these students by giving them the opportunity to use instructional software that would increase their mathematical vocabulary, strengthen the logic behind their thought patterns, and assist them in mastering the skills necessary to solve word problems with confidence and success. The author developed and implemented a computer program that included reading, understanding, analyzing estimating, and computing with regard to the solving of word problems having to do with money and the making of change. Focus was placed upon the importance of estimation in developing the thinking skills necessary to achieve success in solving word problems. Each of the students in the target group was given a pretest and an attitudinal survey. Records of students performance were stored to disk automatically. Each of student was then given the opportunity to view the computer program and work on an individualized basis with the author. The students also received instruction in vocabulary. Parents were asked to provide written documentation concerning activities performed at home. At the end of the instructional period, the posttest and the attitudinal survey were administered to all students in the target group. Results of the posttest indicated that the students in the target group improved their ability to solve word problems concerned with money and the making of change. The attitudinal survey indicated that the students gained both confidence and a feeling of success. The computer program was shared with other teachers in the school. It was also donated to the public domain catalog of the school district in which the author teaches so that other county teachers would have the opportunity to use it with their students.(Appendices include county minimum standards, state minimum standards, attitudinal questionnaire, sample tests, parental form, software evaluation form, and letters from both principal and teachers.)

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