Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Academic, Achievement, Administration, Applications, Computers, Computer Literacy, Computer Managed Instruction, Data Base, Efficiency, Elementary Education, Grades (Scholastic), Grading, Graphics, Individualized Instruction, Keyboarding, Objectives, Recordkeeping, Secondary Education, Spreadsheet, Student Evaluation, Student Records, Writing, Word Processing.


The author implemented a computerized management system to improve instructional efficiency within the classroom. A variety of computer application software were used for grading and prescriptive analysis in the fifth grade classroom. The teacher developed a data base of student information, and parental contact was conducted via grade sheet reports and word processed form letters. Keyboard skills were taught to the students during their Computer Science and Language arts lab periods so that word processing skills could be introduced. No textbook was used for language arts instruction. The teacher modeled the writing process on the word processors and the students used this medium to produce written assignments. Reading groups, objective mastery, review instruction, test analysis, and objective tracking were all conducted via computer software reports. This program took place during one school year. Favorable evaluations were made from the recorded data on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills in the areas of Math, Reading, and Language Arts. Student demonstration of computer application skills was demonstrated throughout the year. The program was recommended to be adapted by other teachers in the author’s school. Appendices include surveys, changing test scores, model data bases, grade reports, and reading progress reports.

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