Emerging Skillset for Future Higher Education Leaders




1-17-2018 10:05 AM


1-17-2018 10:30 AM

Short Description

HE institutions are challenged by the complexity of a rapidly changing world testing the abilities of its leaders. Achieving success requires capable leadership equipped with a new skillset. In addition to the core leadership traits (i.e., character, competence, compassion and integrity) future HE leaders should embody five characteristics or qualities. Cultural Intelligence (CQ), not just an additional quotient.


Bestowing leadership capacity is the greatest challenge facing higher education institutions. Identifying the skills that will drive leadership success in the future should be at the core of the organization’s strategic planning. The need for a new skillset that will drive future leadership success responds to the unpredictable environment.

Our current and emerging challenges demand to rethink the kind of leaders required in higher education. Both, expertise and levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) differ from knowing how to lead. Leaders are learners for which the equation for successful students coined by Friedman applies: PQ+CQ>IQ [Pasion quotient (PQ) plus Curiosity quotient (CQ) is more than Intelligence quotient (IQ)]. Also, Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence quotient (EQ) plays a relevant role. Future leaders will be facilitators for decision making and enablers for creativity and innovation. Successful leaders in the future should be “(1) anticipatory thinkers; (2) risks tolerant, and supportive of creativity and innovation, (3) effective conveners/brokers/facilitators, (4) courageous decision makers, and (5) resilient and able to “bounce forward” after a crisis or setback.” (Mrig & Sanaghan, 2017, p. 8).

A current top level higher education leader needs to acknowledge and address these requirements and develop plans to develop future leaders with the identified skill set. The task requires allocating the resources, improving the quality for increasing the public trust and focusing on student center education to meet the needs of the changing student demographic. The current leadership core set of character, competence, compassion, and integrity will serve as the foundation for developing the new skill set. Professional development programs for the future leaders should ensure bestowing current or potential leaders the required qualities to be successful in the higher education of the future. Challenges include leadership skills develop at different rates and the selection of the right development method to maximize efficiency at each level.

Additional Information: 20 minutes presentation using a visual technology tool.

Relevance: Teachers as leaders should profit from social learning by means of effective virtual teams.

Audience: Teachers as leaders and education administrators.


Snapshot Presentation

Institutional level targeted

Higher Ed


Kathy McPherson, FAU

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Jan 17th, 10:05 AM Jan 17th, 10:30 AM

Emerging Skillset for Future Higher Education Leaders


Bestowing leadership capacity is the greatest challenge facing higher education institutions. Identifying the skills that will drive leadership success in the future should be at the core of the organization’s strategic planning. The need for a new skillset that will drive future leadership success responds to the unpredictable environment.

Our current and emerging challenges demand to rethink the kind of leaders required in higher education. Both, expertise and levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) differ from knowing how to lead. Leaders are learners for which the equation for successful students coined by Friedman applies: PQ+CQ>IQ [Pasion quotient (PQ) plus Curiosity quotient (CQ) is more than Intelligence quotient (IQ)]. Also, Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence quotient (EQ) plays a relevant role. Future leaders will be facilitators for decision making and enablers for creativity and innovation. Successful leaders in the future should be “(1) anticipatory thinkers; (2) risks tolerant, and supportive of creativity and innovation, (3) effective conveners/brokers/facilitators, (4) courageous decision makers, and (5) resilient and able to “bounce forward” after a crisis or setback.” (Mrig & Sanaghan, 2017, p. 8).

A current top level higher education leader needs to acknowledge and address these requirements and develop plans to develop future leaders with the identified skill set. The task requires allocating the resources, improving the quality for increasing the public trust and focusing on student center education to meet the needs of the changing student demographic. The current leadership core set of character, competence, compassion, and integrity will serve as the foundation for developing the new skill set. Professional development programs for the future leaders should ensure bestowing current or potential leaders the required qualities to be successful in the higher education of the future. Challenges include leadership skills develop at different rates and the selection of the right development method to maximize efficiency at each level.

Additional Information: 20 minutes presentation using a visual technology tool.

Relevance: Teachers as leaders should profit from social learning by means of effective virtual teams.

Audience: Teachers as leaders and education administrators.