Staff Presentations, Proceedings, Lectures, and Symposia
Submissions from 2024
Measuring Research Impact through Altmetrics and Bibliometrics, Keri Baker
Submissions from 2023
Research Connect - NSU Libraries, Keri Baker
New Horizons: Navigating the Transition to New Librarians in Oceanographic Libraries, Jaime M. Goldman, Keri Baker, Lisa Ferrara, and Joana Fernandez
Submissions from 2021
Dissemination of Scholarly Contributions: Utilizing NSUWorks, Selected Works, and Digital Measures for Public Promotion and Internal Review Processes, Keri Baker and Gena Meroth
Unintended Uses of a Journal Review System within a Repository for Digital Tracking of University ETDs, Jaime M. Goldman and Keri Baker
Submissions from 2020
A Multi-Dimensional Library: Embedding 3D Scanners into the Science Classroom Curriculum -- Jaime Goldman and Keri Baker, Jaime Goldman and Keri Baker
Submissions from 2019
Technology Lightning Round, Keri Baker, Bebe S. Chang, Jaime Goldman, and Sara Thomas
Leveraging Course Material Affordability Options and Library-Subscribed Materials for Classroom Success, Keri Baker, Andy Shaffer, and Steaven Nieratka
From Research Aesthetics to Habits of Mind: Student Publishing as a Core Competency, Bebe S. Chang
Currents of Change II: Reshaping the Landscape of the University ETD Administrative Process, Jaime Goldman and Keri Baker
More Than You Can Be: Unconventional Usage of an Institutional Repository in ETD Administrative Processes, Jaime Goldman and Keri Baker
How the NSU Libraries Can Support Faculty OER Initiatives at Nova Southeastern University, Jaime M. Goldman
Harnessing the Institutional Repository, Gena Meroth, Jaime Goldman, and Keri Baker
Open Educational resource (OER) Adoption in Higher education: Examining institutional perspectives, Rebekah E. Wright EdD, Jaime M. Goldman, and Jennifer L. Reeves PhD
Submissions from 2018
The Amazing Liaison: Innovative Ideas to Engage Diverse Populations with STEM, Craig Amos, Kelly Grove, and Sandy Avila
Mutualism at Work: Redefining the Library's Role in the Everyday University Process, Keri Baker and Jaime Goldman
Meeting at the Junction: Connecting Scholarly Communication and Instruction Librarians for Learner-centered Pedagogy with the Institutional Repository, Bebe S. Chang and Charlotte A. Barna
Submissions from 2017
Keys to Implementing Engaging Programming: Innovative Ideas to Take to the Masses, Craig Amos, Sandy Avila, and Kelly Grove
Sink or Swim: How to Survive Drowning in a Sea of Projects Using Asana as Your Life Saver, Keri Baker and Jaime Goldman
NSUWorks and Selected Works for Librarians, Keri Baker and Gena Meroth
NSUWorks and Your Online CV, Keri Baker and Gena Meroth
Outreach to Broward County High Schools: NSU's Alvin Sherman Library Research and Information Technology Center, Sarah Cisse
Submissions from 2015
Currents of Change: Forming Symbiotic Relationships through Management of the Waves of Scholarly Information Output at an Academic Research Library, Keri Baker and Jaime M. Goldman
Institutional Repositories for Data Management, Michele Gibney
Banging Our Heads To The Music And On The Walls: First Year IR Adventures, Michele Gibney, Jaime M. Goldman, and Keri Baker
Ocean Data Management Resources, Jaime M. Goldman
Submissions from 2014
No Boundaries: Creating Open Access Repositories for Academic Institutions, Keri Baker
Distance learning on demand: Creating a student-friendly platform for instructional library videos, Michelle Keba, Jamie Segno, and Michael Schofield
Making it work: Creating a student-friendly repository for instructional library videos, Michelle Keba, Jamie Segno, and Michael Schofield
Submissions from 2013
MOOCs and constructivist information literacy, Valerie Hill, Ilene Frank, and Michelle Keba
Distance learning on demand: Creating a student-friendly platform for instructional library videos, Michelle Keba, Jamie Segno, and Michael Schofield
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) – the future of learning?, Heather Rayl, Ilene Frank, Valerie Hill, and Michelle Keba
Submissions from 2012
Foundations and Grants Workshops: Grant Preparation Basics, Sarah Cisse
Creating online research modules for Gullet Elementary, Michelle Keba
Submissions from 2011
Getting the most out of Mendeley, Michelle Keba and A. Fidgeon
Submissions from 2010
Supporting children’s access to online resources, M. Gibson, Michelle Keba, and M. Rocco
Submissions from 2008
Investigating migrant family – school counselor relationships in North Central Florida, Michelle Keba
Submissions from 2007
A Five-year Assessment of a Large Joint Use Library in Southeast Florida: A Case Study, Harriett MacDougall
Submissions from 2006
The library Web Page in a joint-use library: a portal for many, Harriett MacDougall
Submissions from 2002
A unique partnership, a unique library, Harriett MacDougall
Submissions from 2001
Help Wanted; models for recruiting and retaining staff, Harriett MacDougall