

Alberto L'Abate



In 1931 Gandhi spoke of the possibility of overcoming violent conflicts with "a living wall of men and women" who would interpose themselves between conflicting parties without any other weapons than themselves (Weber, 1988). Some students of nonviolent intervention have written histories of interpositionary experiences from Gandhi's first idea until recent years (Keyes, 1978; Weber, 1988; Walker, 1981; L'Abate, 1993a). Maybe it is time to try an evaluation of these types of interventions.1

Author Bio(s)

Alberto L'Abate is the former head of the Research Center of Florence Province and Tuscany, and has conducted research in social and health planning for the United Nations, the European Council and the World Health Organization. He teaches methodology of social research at Florence University and is the author of several publications on the sociology of mental disease and discrimination, on social-health planning, on conflict and nonviolence, and on research methodology. He is an active member of the Italian Section of War Resisters International and directs a Summer School of Training in Nonviolence.


armed conflicts, nonviolent interposition, UN peacekeeping interventions, United Nations

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