Instructional Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Exploring Students' Perspectives about their Learning Experiences in Online Education

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Start Date

13-1-2021 10:45 AM

End Date

13-1-2021 11:05 AM


Emotional intelligence is understood as an essential component of human intelligence that, through innate abilities and acquired abilities (Niţă, 2014). Another study claimed that the instructor’s ability to demonstrate aspects of emotional intelligence in different elements of course design and instruction is key to helping learners cultivate emotional intelligence, an important competence in management and leadership (Majeski, Stover, Valais, Ronch, 2017). Within the field of education, more research is needed to understand the students’ perspective of what emotional characteristics and type of instructional leadership that will support positive learning experiences in online classrooms. The purpose of the qualitative content analysis study was to examine the role of emotional intelligence in online education from the student’s perspective regarding their learning experiences in their online graduate programs. The study did not involve contact with any human subjects. Data collection was achieved through analyzing primary and secondary resources such as websites, books, academic journals, videos, and online interviews made available publicly in databases regarding online students as they share their stories about their perceptions of emotional intelligence and instructional leadership used in their online learning experiences. There are three research questions that guided this study, which was the following: (1) To what extent do instructional leadership practices influence the emotional intelligence of students in the online learning environment? (2) To what extend do students demonstrate emotional intelligence within the online learning environment? (3) From the student's perspective, how do they define emotional intelligence in the online learning environment? The questions were designed to help determine key themes of competence in emotional intelligence and how their knowledge contributed to their overall online learning experiences under their instructors’ leadership. In this presentation, the researcher will report the findings, including some key issues to consider in instructional leadership practices that will enhance emotional intelligence to better support students in the online learning environment, and offer suggestions for future research.


emotional intelligence, online education, instructional leadership

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Jan 13th, 10:45 AM Jan 13th, 11:05 AM

Instructional Leadership and Emotional Intelligence: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Exploring Students' Perspectives about their Learning Experiences in Online Education

Emotional intelligence is understood as an essential component of human intelligence that, through innate abilities and acquired abilities (Niţă, 2014). Another study claimed that the instructor’s ability to demonstrate aspects of emotional intelligence in different elements of course design and instruction is key to helping learners cultivate emotional intelligence, an important competence in management and leadership (Majeski, Stover, Valais, Ronch, 2017). Within the field of education, more research is needed to understand the students’ perspective of what emotional characteristics and type of instructional leadership that will support positive learning experiences in online classrooms. The purpose of the qualitative content analysis study was to examine the role of emotional intelligence in online education from the student’s perspective regarding their learning experiences in their online graduate programs. The study did not involve contact with any human subjects. Data collection was achieved through analyzing primary and secondary resources such as websites, books, academic journals, videos, and online interviews made available publicly in databases regarding online students as they share their stories about their perceptions of emotional intelligence and instructional leadership used in their online learning experiences. There are three research questions that guided this study, which was the following: (1) To what extent do instructional leadership practices influence the emotional intelligence of students in the online learning environment? (2) To what extend do students demonstrate emotional intelligence within the online learning environment? (3) From the student's perspective, how do they define emotional intelligence in the online learning environment? The questions were designed to help determine key themes of competence in emotional intelligence and how their knowledge contributed to their overall online learning experiences under their instructors’ leadership. In this presentation, the researcher will report the findings, including some key issues to consider in instructional leadership practices that will enhance emotional intelligence to better support students in the online learning environment, and offer suggestions for future research.