Parkinson's Disease Support Groups in Rural America: Barriers, Resources, and Opportunities



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Start Date

January 2019

End Date

January 2019


We will describe our background and purpose briefly and spend the majority of our time describing our methods and results.

Background: People with Parkinson’s disease who live in rural communities may lack information and support regarding their condition, compared to those in urban or suburban areas.

Purpose: For the study described herein, the researchers sought to gain a deeper understanding of support group experiences of rural Parkinson’s disease stakeholders through merging an interpretive phenomenological design with Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR).

Methods: Using this merged approach we collected qualitative data from five focus groups and gained a community perspective. The qualitative data was analyzed thematically using Template Analysis, and then further explored for an overall essence.

Results: The themes that emerged were: Support Group Benefits: Opportunities for Communication, Barriers to Support Group Participation, Strategies to Improve Support Group Access.

Discussion: Notably, some participants discussed ways that support groups could increase their accessibility to more individuals with Parkinson’s living rurally, in the form of recommendations, so that the support groups endured as a future resource. The themes and recommendations that emerged led the researchers to interpret the overall essence of this work as, Experiencing support group benefits despite barriers: leaving a legacy.


Template Analysis, Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR), Interpretive Phenomenology, Parkinson's Disease


We were invited to submit to this because of our accepted paper to TQR.

I realize this is late, and regret submitting it late, but thought I would try since the link is still availbale!

Thank you for the opportunity!

This document is currently not available here.


Jan 17th, 1:15 PM Jan 17th, 1:35 PM

Parkinson's Disease Support Groups in Rural America: Barriers, Resources, and Opportunities


We will describe our background and purpose briefly and spend the majority of our time describing our methods and results.

Background: People with Parkinson’s disease who live in rural communities may lack information and support regarding their condition, compared to those in urban or suburban areas.

Purpose: For the study described herein, the researchers sought to gain a deeper understanding of support group experiences of rural Parkinson’s disease stakeholders through merging an interpretive phenomenological design with Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR).

Methods: Using this merged approach we collected qualitative data from five focus groups and gained a community perspective. The qualitative data was analyzed thematically using Template Analysis, and then further explored for an overall essence.

Results: The themes that emerged were: Support Group Benefits: Opportunities for Communication, Barriers to Support Group Participation, Strategies to Improve Support Group Access.

Discussion: Notably, some participants discussed ways that support groups could increase their accessibility to more individuals with Parkinson’s living rurally, in the form of recommendations, so that the support groups endured as a future resource. The themes and recommendations that emerged led the researchers to interpret the overall essence of this work as, Experiencing support group benefits despite barriers: leaving a legacy.