Operationalizing Autoethnography: Analysis and Interpretation Strategies, the Nine P’s and Spreadsheet Data Management



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Start Date

January 2019

End Date

January 2019


This presentation details the operationalization of a critical autoethnographical study of Structural Violence in the New Hampshire Family Court, which was submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Nova Southeastern University during February of 2018. Chang’s (2008) analysis and interpretation strategies, Chenail’s (2014) "Nine P's of Autoethnography" and Moynihan’s (2018) spreadsheet data management techniques were used to operationalize the study in a manner conducive to ensuring verisimilitude throughout the study. The participants will learn how the utilization of these methods enabled operationalization of the study in support of the research goals and objectives. During the session participants will become familiar with the techniques used to collect, manage and label the data for refinement while maintaining quality control throughout the process. The participants will gain an understanding of how specific categories and themes resulted from spreadsheet data management as an integral component of the study while the inductive research progressed. As the session draws to a close, participants will observe how the spreadsheet data management process led to the research findings.


Autoethnography, Data Analysis, Data Interpretation, the Nine P's of Autoethnography


Willing to do a panel presentation if there is other interest.

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Jan 17th, 2:45 PM Jan 17th, 3:05 PM

Operationalizing Autoethnography: Analysis and Interpretation Strategies, the Nine P’s and Spreadsheet Data Management


This presentation details the operationalization of a critical autoethnographical study of Structural Violence in the New Hampshire Family Court, which was submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Nova Southeastern University during February of 2018. Chang’s (2008) analysis and interpretation strategies, Chenail’s (2014) "Nine P's of Autoethnography" and Moynihan’s (2018) spreadsheet data management techniques were used to operationalize the study in a manner conducive to ensuring verisimilitude throughout the study. The participants will learn how the utilization of these methods enabled operationalization of the study in support of the research goals and objectives. During the session participants will become familiar with the techniques used to collect, manage and label the data for refinement while maintaining quality control throughout the process. The participants will gain an understanding of how specific categories and themes resulted from spreadsheet data management as an integral component of the study while the inductive research progressed. As the session draws to a close, participants will observe how the spreadsheet data management process led to the research findings.