Take 3: The Phenomenology of Interplay Between and Within Participant Researchers
Format Type
Format Type
Start Date
January 2018
End Date
January 2018
This presentation will build upon last year's presentation related to the importance of caring in teaching and research. While the previous presentation was based on a group interview among a Father Researcher (FR), Mother Researcher (MR), and Son Researcher (SR) in order to Identify and discuss instances of caring and non-caring in school (K-12 through College) and its continuing impacts, this proposed presentation will focus on the metacognitive and meta-emotional aspects that each participant reveals related to their preparation for this group interview, their participation in the interview, and their presentation last year. In other words FR, MR, and SR will conduct their own inward phenomenological inquiry related to their thoughts and emotions as a family engaged in a group effort to investigate and present on a topic that had never previously been discussed but carries high emotional impact.
Take 3: The Phenomenology of Interplay Between and Within Participant Researchers
This presentation will build upon last year's presentation related to the importance of caring in teaching and research. While the previous presentation was based on a group interview among a Father Researcher (FR), Mother Researcher (MR), and Son Researcher (SR) in order to Identify and discuss instances of caring and non-caring in school (K-12 through College) and its continuing impacts, this proposed presentation will focus on the metacognitive and meta-emotional aspects that each participant reveals related to their preparation for this group interview, their participation in the interview, and their presentation last year. In other words FR, MR, and SR will conduct their own inward phenomenological inquiry related to their thoughts and emotions as a family engaged in a group effort to investigate and present on a topic that had never previously been discussed but carries high emotional impact.
Breakout Session C