Diffractive Ethnography: Conducting Research in the Ontological Turn


DeSantis Room 1049

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Start Date

17-1-2020 10:15 AM

End Date

17-1-2020 10:35 AM


Across intellectual disciplines, the ontological turn is restructuring how with think about human relationships with the non-human world. In this presentation, I will discuss one approach to doing research within this philosophical, post-qualitative framework: Diffractive Ethnography. This presentation extends from my award-winning book, Diffractive Ethnography: Social Sciences in the Ontological Turn (Routledge 2018).


diffractive ethnography, ontology, new materialism, material discursive


Thank you for your consideration of this work. I am available to give a keynote address if you would like. My book, Diffractive Ethnography, which this presentation builds from, won Honorable Mention for the 2019 ICQI book of the year award.

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Jan 17th, 10:15 AM Jan 17th, 10:35 AM

Diffractive Ethnography: Conducting Research in the Ontological Turn

DeSantis Room 1049

Across intellectual disciplines, the ontological turn is restructuring how with think about human relationships with the non-human world. In this presentation, I will discuss one approach to doing research within this philosophical, post-qualitative framework: Diffractive Ethnography. This presentation extends from my award-winning book, Diffractive Ethnography: Social Sciences in the Ontological Turn (Routledge 2018).