Contemporary Journaling: What’s a Journal Anyways?
DeSantis Room 2060
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Start Date
16-1-2020 1:15 PM
End Date
16-1-2020 2:05 PM
The importance of engaging in reflexive practices, such as reflexive memo-ing and journaling while conducting qualitative research has long been established (Guba & Lincoln, 2005; Mruck & Breuer, 2003; Ortlipp, 2008). However, there is little literature or guidance as to how novice researcher should “do” journaling (Ortlipp, 2008). For novice researchers, this may lead to a sense of failure, uncertainty, and avoidance of memo-ing while engaging in qualitative research. The purpose of this presentation is to explore two novice researchers’ use of innovations in technology to engage in reflexive memo-ing and journaling in a contemporary way. Provided will be examples and suggestions for other novice researchers. Suggestions and guidelines for those mentoring novice researchers will also be provided during the presentation. The examples, suggestions, and guidelines of using innovations in technology may provide community and validation for novice researchers.
reflexive practice, contemporary journaling
Contemporary Journaling: What’s a Journal Anyways?
DeSantis Room 2060
The importance of engaging in reflexive practices, such as reflexive memo-ing and journaling while conducting qualitative research has long been established (Guba & Lincoln, 2005; Mruck & Breuer, 2003; Ortlipp, 2008). However, there is little literature or guidance as to how novice researcher should “do” journaling (Ortlipp, 2008). For novice researchers, this may lead to a sense of failure, uncertainty, and avoidance of memo-ing while engaging in qualitative research. The purpose of this presentation is to explore two novice researchers’ use of innovations in technology to engage in reflexive memo-ing and journaling in a contemporary way. Provided will be examples and suggestions for other novice researchers. Suggestions and guidelines for those mentoring novice researchers will also be provided during the presentation. The examples, suggestions, and guidelines of using innovations in technology may provide community and validation for novice researchers.