NSUWorks - The Qualitative Report Conference: Transformative Inquiry: Understanding Compelling and Significant Relationships for Personal and Societal Transformation

Transformative Inquiry: Understanding Compelling and Significant Relationships for Personal and Societal Transformation


DeSantis Room 1048

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Start Date

15-1-2020 5:00 PM

End Date

15-1-2020 5:20 PM


Transformative Inquiry is a theoretical model designed to facilitate our inquiry of important and meaningful relationships that transform and potentiate us. Creswell (2007) described the elements often in play when considering a research agenda: the axiological, ontological, epistemological, methodological, and rhetorical. Each carries with it assumptions that hold implications for practice – for research. Transformative Inquiry addresses all of these elements through considerations given to deep ecology, transdisciplinarity, integral meta-theory, heuristic research, and eudaimonistic philosophy respectively. Transformative Inquiry is an approach to understanding and fostering the full range of deep and meaningful relationships from the personal to the political, and beyond. It is a theoretical model designed to support investigation into the important and meaningful relationships that both transform and potentiate us. Transformative Inquiry provides a theoretical context in which to approach any question related to obtaining a deep understanding of the rich, nuanced experience of meeting deeply with (and being transformed by and with) another. What do such relationships do in the world? They transform us, and they transform the world. Understanding deep, potent, lasting transformation means to understand the relationships that foster, support, and co-create it. Such relationships generate a paradigmatic shift of consciousness. But deeply, this shift is about the uncovering of a beautiful personality, a deep goodness within, an enduring truth of self. Within this context, Transformative Inquiry in general, and deep heuristics in particular, is designed to allow researchers to expand farther and reach deeper than our current models and methodologies require or allow.


Leadership Education, Human Potential, Transformation, Growth, Heuristics, Relationships, Consciousness



This abstract was submitted three years and was reviewed and accepted. The authors were unexpectedly unable to attend the 2017 conference. Therefore, this is a resubmission. Also, the text submitted today includes the minor revisions (completed) that were requested in the review process.

Thank you!


Kelly Kilrea

This document is currently not available here.


Jan 15th, 5:00 PM Jan 15th, 5:20 PM

Transformative Inquiry: Understanding Compelling and Significant Relationships for Personal and Societal Transformation

DeSantis Room 1048

Transformative Inquiry is a theoretical model designed to facilitate our inquiry of important and meaningful relationships that transform and potentiate us. Creswell (2007) described the elements often in play when considering a research agenda: the axiological, ontological, epistemological, methodological, and rhetorical. Each carries with it assumptions that hold implications for practice – for research. Transformative Inquiry addresses all of these elements through considerations given to deep ecology, transdisciplinarity, integral meta-theory, heuristic research, and eudaimonistic philosophy respectively. Transformative Inquiry is an approach to understanding and fostering the full range of deep and meaningful relationships from the personal to the political, and beyond. It is a theoretical model designed to support investigation into the important and meaningful relationships that both transform and potentiate us. Transformative Inquiry provides a theoretical context in which to approach any question related to obtaining a deep understanding of the rich, nuanced experience of meeting deeply with (and being transformed by and with) another. What do such relationships do in the world? They transform us, and they transform the world. Understanding deep, potent, lasting transformation means to understand the relationships that foster, support, and co-create it. Such relationships generate a paradigmatic shift of consciousness. But deeply, this shift is about the uncovering of a beautiful personality, a deep goodness within, an enduring truth of self. Within this context, Transformative Inquiry in general, and deep heuristics in particular, is designed to allow researchers to expand farther and reach deeper than our current models and methodologies require or allow.