NSUWorks - The Qualitative Report Conference: Online Data Sources for Narrative Analysis: An Innovative Use of Technology in a Graduate Project

Online Data Sources for Narrative Analysis: An Innovative Use of Technology in a Graduate Project


DeSantis Room 1054

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Start Date

15-1-2020 2:45 PM

End Date

15-1-2020 3:05 PM


Objective: The purpose of this article is to describe the use of online data sources (such as blogs and microblogs) in a scholarly project designed to facilitate graduate occupational therapy students’

1) understanding and appreciation for qualitative analysis,

2) ability to use narrative analysis procedures with meaningful data sets, and

3) ability to apply qualitative findings to occupational therapy practice.

The project’s theoretical rationale, objectives, implementation, and outcomes are included, along with the perspectives of several students who completed the project in its first year.

Conclusion: Publicly available online data sources can be used to create an effective narrative analysis learning activity for graduate occupational therapy students.


learning assignment, qualitative, narrative analysis, blogs

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Jan 15th, 2:45 PM Jan 15th, 3:05 PM

Online Data Sources for Narrative Analysis: An Innovative Use of Technology in a Graduate Project

DeSantis Room 1054

Objective: The purpose of this article is to describe the use of online data sources (such as blogs and microblogs) in a scholarly project designed to facilitate graduate occupational therapy students’

1) understanding and appreciation for qualitative analysis,

2) ability to use narrative analysis procedures with meaningful data sets, and

3) ability to apply qualitative findings to occupational therapy practice.

The project’s theoretical rationale, objectives, implementation, and outcomes are included, along with the perspectives of several students who completed the project in its first year.

Conclusion: Publicly available online data sources can be used to create an effective narrative analysis learning activity for graduate occupational therapy students.