NSUWorks - The Qualitative Report Conference: Exploring the English Teaching and Learning Processes of Applied Mathematics and Music Teachers and Students in two EFL Mandatory Courses

Exploring the English Teaching and Learning Processes of Applied Mathematics and Music Teachers and Students in two EFL Mandatory Courses


DeSantis Room 1052

Format Type


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Start Date

15-1-2020 2:45 PM

End Date

15-1-2020 3:05 PM


This presentation will report a multiple case study aimed at exploring the influence of English teachers’ methodological practices over the learning process experienced by applied mathematics and music students. This study took place in two EFL mandatory courses at a public university in Colombia; and involved 20 participants.

This study was guided by two research questions: What kind of methodological practices do teachers adopt when teaching English? and How do teaching practices influence the learners’ English learning process? The study was also framed under Wang’s (2009) thesis, which includes six aspects, as follows: Instructional approaches, language pedagogy, use of textbooks, student modality, error correction, and classroom tasks.

Data was gathered through six non-participant observations, field notes, three stimulated recall interviews, and two focal group interviews. Furthermore, data was analyzed qualitatively in the light of the research questions being addressed in this study.

In this presentation, we will report our findings, including some key issues to consider in teachers' methodological practices to teach the English language in tertiary education.


English language, teaching practice, learning process, tertiary education

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Jan 15th, 2:45 PM Jan 15th, 3:05 PM

Exploring the English Teaching and Learning Processes of Applied Mathematics and Music Teachers and Students in two EFL Mandatory Courses

DeSantis Room 1052

This presentation will report a multiple case study aimed at exploring the influence of English teachers’ methodological practices over the learning process experienced by applied mathematics and music students. This study took place in two EFL mandatory courses at a public university in Colombia; and involved 20 participants.

This study was guided by two research questions: What kind of methodological practices do teachers adopt when teaching English? and How do teaching practices influence the learners’ English learning process? The study was also framed under Wang’s (2009) thesis, which includes six aspects, as follows: Instructional approaches, language pedagogy, use of textbooks, student modality, error correction, and classroom tasks.

Data was gathered through six non-participant observations, field notes, three stimulated recall interviews, and two focal group interviews. Furthermore, data was analyzed qualitatively in the light of the research questions being addressed in this study.

In this presentation, we will report our findings, including some key issues to consider in teachers' methodological practices to teach the English language in tertiary education.