NSUWorks - The Qualitative Report Conference: Situational Biography and Contemporary Qualitative Research

Situational Biography and Contemporary Qualitative Research


DeSantis Room 1049

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Start Date

15-1-2020 9:15 AM

End Date

15-1-2020 9:35 AM


As qualitative research continues to mature, the areas of application are growing to include sections of our lives previously not considered. Life events can have a lasting and powerful impact on the ways in which we think, feel, and react and therefore should not be discounted. This presentation will introduce a concept of situational biography as a tool for exploring and understanding these life situations. A growing number of people are turning to coaches or mentors to help them through these issues. In this interactive presentation, therefore, I share the beginnings of what, for me, is a lifelong work in progress—a way to better our world by better understanding ourselves as we help others do the same. In so doing, it is my hope that situational biography will become one of the ways that qualitative researchers are able to go about conceptualizing, conducting, and communicating their work.


Mentoring, situational biography


This presentation will be describing the current work I am doing involving a mentor, or coach, and their client, using a brief biography of the client concerning a particular issue they are seeking help with. This biographical text will then be treated as data for seeking existing themes and patterns which will help define the sources of these issues and improve the experience by reducing the time for discovery. Please be kind as this is my first ever attempt.

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Jan 15th, 9:15 AM Jan 15th, 9:35 AM

Situational Biography and Contemporary Qualitative Research

DeSantis Room 1049

As qualitative research continues to mature, the areas of application are growing to include sections of our lives previously not considered. Life events can have a lasting and powerful impact on the ways in which we think, feel, and react and therefore should not be discounted. This presentation will introduce a concept of situational biography as a tool for exploring and understanding these life situations. A growing number of people are turning to coaches or mentors to help them through these issues. In this interactive presentation, therefore, I share the beginnings of what, for me, is a lifelong work in progress—a way to better our world by better understanding ourselves as we help others do the same. In so doing, it is my hope that situational biography will become one of the ways that qualitative researchers are able to go about conceptualizing, conducting, and communicating their work.