Home > HCAS > HCAS_PUBS > HCAS_JOURNALS > TQR Home > TQR > Vol. 4 > No. 3 (2000)
Volume 4 Numbers 3 & 4 - March, 2000
Computer-Aided Qualitative Analysis of Interview Data: Some Recommendations for Collaborative Working
Kate Ford, Iddo Oberski, and Steve Higgins
Researching Psychotherapy, the Importance of the Client's View: A Methodological Challenge
Neil Scott Gordon
A Comparative Discussion of the Notion of 'Validity' in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Glyn Winter
Preparing Teachers for Urban Settings: Changing Teacher Education by Changing Ourselves
Colleen Willard-Holt
Using Nudist-4 in a Preliminary Qualitative Investigation of Postpartum Depression Among African American Women
Linda Amankwaa
Dual Relationships in Qualitative Research
Beth Bourdeau