

In this study, we explored how university science education teachers recognize essential turning points and how teachers from Tribhuvan University-Faculty of Education (TU-FOE) reflect on their career growth. We also investigated their understanding of teaching and learning in science education programs at TU-FOE. The study builds on a qualitative inquiry into the strategies by employing critical discourse. In-depth interviews were conducted to collect the information, and the information was analyzed through a thematic-critical lens. The results indicate that critical reflection on practice can be the first step toward articulating and documenting knowledge. The study reveals that the science education teachers from TU-FOE perceive critical reflection on their own learning practices as a crucial step in their professional development, leading to the articulation and documentation of their knowledge. Additionally, the exchange of emerging concepts among teachers offers valuable insights for program enhancements, ultimately contributing to the continual improvement of science education at the university. Consequently, teachers exchange emerging concepts regarding the possible contents. This research offers a promising avenue to deepen the understanding of the teachers' responses within the science education program at TU-FOE. These perspectives offer valuable insights into teacher professional development, program enhancements, effective learning strategies, and the continual improvement of science education at the university.


critical reflection, exploration, qualitative inquiry, science education, teachers’ experiences

Author Bio(s)

Kamal Prasad Acharya is a lecturer in science education at the Department of Science and Environment Education, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. He specializes in teaching science pedagogy and research methodology to graduate and post-graduate students. Additionally, he is actively involved in science education research projects both within Nepal and internationally. Acharya has authored numerous articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals, focusing on areas such as science curriculum development, student engagement, professional development for science teachers, and participatory action research. His research contributions have been widely recognized, with several publications in esteemed international journals. He earned his Ph.D. with a dissertation titled "Activity-based Science Learning through School Gardening: A Participatory Action Research in Nepal," conducted under the NORHED/Rupantaran project at the Graduate School of Education, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. His areas of expertise include school gardening, inquiry-based learning, and participatory action research. Correspondence can be directed to kp.tuacharya@gmail.com

Mr. Pushp Raj Bhatt is a lecturer in the Department of Science and Environment Education at the Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University. He holds a master's degree in science education and population studies from Tribhuvan University. With extensive experience in teaching at the master's level, Bhatt has also contributed to the academic field through his publications in peer-reviewed journals. Correspondence can be directed to pushprajbhatt36@gmail.com

Mrs. Milan Acharya is a teaching assistant in the Department of Health, Physical, and Population Education at Sanothimi Campus, Tribhuvan University. She holds a double degree, having earned an M.A. in Population Studies and an M.Ed. in Population Education, in addition to a B.Ed. in Education. Currently, Milan is pursuing her Ph.D. at the Graduate School of Education, where she is enrolled in the M.Phil. leading Ph.D. program at Tribhuvan University. Throughout her academic career, Milan has made significant contributions to the field of education, particularly in health and population studies. She has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in both national and international journals, showcasing her research and scholarly work. Correspondence can be directed to milanpanga123@gmail.com


We extend our gratitude to university science education teachers under TU-FOE who contributed to this study. Our gratitude goes out to the University Grants Commission, Nepal, for awarding the Faculty Research Grants (award no. FRG-79/80-Edu-01). We would also like to thank Ron Chenail, Co-Editor-in-Chief of ‘The Qualitative Report’, for his support, and Daniel Turner and Mark McCarthy for reviewing this paper. Their valuable suggestions have greatly enhanced its quality.

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