

In the ever-evolving landscape of today's world, the realm of leadership finds itself confronted with a tapestry of intricate challenges, each thread contributing to the fabric of modern leadership style dilemmas. In this study, we aimed to explore the integrated values of Asta Brata’s leadership style within the leadership practices of school principals in Bali Provinces, Indonesia. We employed a phenomenological research design and interviewed a cohort of 50 principals from various elementary schools. We subjected the obtained data to thematic analysis and determined four themes: harmony, transformative inclusivity, professional integrity, and moral responsibility. The findings of this study not only deepen our understanding of leadership values and practices but also offer actionable insights that can benefit both theoretical discourse and practical leadership applications. It underscores the importance of aligning leadership styles with cultural contexts and highlights the potential for enriching leadership development programs through the integration of culturally relevant values.


Asta Brata leadership style, thematic analysis, principal leadership practices

Author Bio(s)

Basilius Redan Werang holds a doctoral degree and is deeply involved in teaching at Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia. His unwavering commitment to promoting academic growth and student development is reflected in his continuous contributions to the university. For correspondence, he can be reached at werang267@undiksha.ac.id.

Anak Agung Gede Agung, a senior professor at Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his teaching role. His significant impact on the academic community continues to shape the future of education at the institution.

Ni Luh Gede Erni Sulindawati, who holds a doctoral degree, is presently teaching at Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia. Her dedication to higher education is demonstrated through her active engagement with students, guiding them toward academic excellence.

I Gusti Agung Ayu Wulandari, holding a doctoral degree, is presently teaching at Ganesha University of Education, Indonesia. She consistently creates a dynamic learning environment that fosters active student participation and personal growth.

Anak Agung Putri Sri holds a master’s degree and is presently teaching at Udayana University, Indonesia. She plays a key role in shaping her students' academic journeys by providing valuable insights and delivering high-quality education.

Sandra Ingried Asaloei holds a master’s degree and is presently teaching at Sam Ratulangi University, Indonesia. Her passion for education is evident in her unwavering commitment to supporting student achievement and fostering intellectual development.

Jian-Bang Deng, holding a doctoral degree, is presently teaching at Tamkang University, Taiwan. His vast knowledge and academic expertise greatly contribute to enhancing his students' learning experiences.


We would like to thank the Directorate of Research and Community Service, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology for having funded the entire research process. We would also like to extend our gratitude to all the primary school principals who actively participated in this study.

Publication Date


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