

There has been inadequate investigation of research pedagogy in applied linguistics, despite the significance of research reform in the field. As such, we examined the status of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) research pedagogy in postgraduate classes in Iran. We described and evaluated 28 research methods (RM) courses in terms of objectives, content, and assessment in Iranian universities. We employed a qualitative content analysis of RM syllabi, utilizing a mixture of inductive and deductive coding. Our results revealed that among the Iranian research instructors whose syllabi we examined, there is a common approach to delivering research methods courses. Nonetheless, there is a noticeable misalignment between the objectives they report and how these objectives are put into practice, as reflected in the course content and assessment methods. Among the analyzed syllabi, one instructor approached the course through the lens of research synthesis pedagogy. While acknowledging the benefits of the prevailing instructional approach, we argue in favor of implementing research synthesis pedagogy as an evidence-based and complementary alternative to conventional research training approaches within TEFL. This synthesis-informed research pedagogy has the potential to nurture a research mindset among postgraduate students, subsequently enhancing the quality assurance of different methodological orientations, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research.


research methods instruction, research methodology course, research syllabus, research synthesis, content analysis, TEFL

Author Bio(s)

Mohammad is an Assistant Professor in applied linguistics at Iran University of Science and Technology. His areas of research are ideology in textbooks, meta-research, research synthesis, and mixed methods research. He has published in different journals such as Language Teaching, System, Quality and Quantity, Mixed Methods Research, Argumentation, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, and Writing & Pedagogy. Please direct correspondence to mohammad_farsani@iust.ac.ir

Mojtaba is currently a Ph.D. student in TEFL at the Department of English Language & Literature, Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran. During his M.A. studies, he has concentrated on TFEL research pedagogy and related issues. He is also continuing this line of research during his Ph.D. years. Please direct correspondence to mojtaba.asaie97@gmail.com

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