

Phenomenological studies have been critiqued when analytic activities and intersection with the underpinning philosophy lack clarity. This methodological discussion paper describes data analysis in hermeneutic interpretive phenomenology. Data management strategies (transcript preparation, coding, philosophy application, tabling/concept maps, and Microsoft Word) and data analysis processes (reduction, display, and conclusion drawing/verification) are illustrated. Deconstruction, reconstruction, and reorganisation of themes/subthemes using hierarchical heading styles to populate the navigation pane and philosophical tenets acted as analytic hooks. This paper has outlined data analysis in hermeneutic interpretive phenomenology, including the use of MS Word and its functionality, which was supported by other data display strategies to enhance data visualisation and verification. Techniques described are transferrable to other qualitative methodologies.


qualitative research, phenomenological interpretation, hermeneutics, rigour

Author Bio(s)

The authors, Sue Monaro (https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0002-4172-4932), Janice Gullick, and Sandra West, work in the Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney, Australia. This body of work arises from a PhD that used phenomenology to explore the patient and family experience of chronic limb-threatening ischaemia. The research team has collaborated on other projects and have created a community of practice for qualitative research in clinical settings.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Sue Monaro, Level 3 West Cardiovascular Ambulatory Care, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Concord, New South Wales, 2138, Australia. Email: sue.monaro@health.nsw.gov.au

Publication Date


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