

Training and instilling independence in early childhood is not easy. It requires cooperation with various parties. One of them is the teacher at a school. Aside from being a second parent, a teacher is a role model for children. Teachers' experience in teaching and training children's independence is needed by parents as reference material. Unfortunately, related research is still very limited. By using a explorative qualitative method, this research aimed to explore the experiences of early childhood education teachers in teaching and training children's independence at school. Data collection was carried out by in-depth and open interviews involving 15 early childhood education teachers. From this research, we found four main points of teacher experience in the form of: (1) identification: characteristics of early childhood independence; (2) methods: the way the teacher teaches and trains early childhood independence; and (3) barriers: barriers experienced by teachers in teaching and training early childhood independence. Identification of independence include: children dare to be left by their parents at school, are able to do the task independently, and able to do daily habituation. The methods of teaching and practicing independence were done by the teacher through habituation, example, and storytelling. As for the obstacles experienced by the teacher were parents still spoil children, children are very quiet, lack of media, and the absence of cooperation between schools and parents.


Teacher’s Experience, Teaching, Independence, Early Childhood, School, Qualitative Methods, Purposive Sampling

Author Bio(s)

M. Fadlillah is a lecturer and researcher of departement of early childhood education at Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo, member of BAN PAUD dan PNF (National Acreditation Council for Early Childhood Education and Non-formal Education Special Region of East Java), and an expert in the fields of early childhood care and education, educational psychology, and educational science. I am the principal researcher in charge of finding data in the field, conducting data analysis, and compiling reports. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: fadly_ok@yahoo.co.id.

Rochmat Wahab and Yulia Ayriza are lecturers and researchers at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. They are experts in the fields of developmental psychology, counseling guidance, and education science. They have a role as a guide and companion in this research and assist in conducting data analysis in this research.


On this occasion, the researcher thanked the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP), the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, that has been willing to grant the overall cost of this research. Thanks also to Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo that has provided research facilities and infrastructure. We also thank to the resource persons who have helped in the process of extracting the research data.

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