

More than a book about conducting qualitative research, Johnny Saldaña in Thinking Qualitatively: Methods of Mind asks readers to think “highdeeply,” so they organize their thinking about how to live their best lives through the process of qualitative inquiry. To do so, Saldaña transforms the concept of person-centered qualitative inquiry into a concrete entity with structured exercises and practical examples. Saldaña contributions with this work all center on the process of conscious qualitative reflection as a tool for synthetic understanding of the world around us.


Book Review, Thinking Qualitatively, Johnny Saldaña, Methods Pedagogy

Author Bio(s)

Dr. Alexandra "Xan" C.H. Nowakowski is a medical sociologist and public health program evaluator focused on health equity in aging with chronic disease. Lived experience with cystic fibrosis and intimate partner abuse informs their practice of qualitative inquiry. They currently serve as an Assistant Professor in the Geriatrics and Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine departments at the Florida State University College of Medicine. They also manage the Write Where It Hurts advocacy project supporting scholars who engage lived experience of trauma in their work. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: xnowakowski@fsu.edu.

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