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A former participant in a research study on adolescent writers was invited to read and respond to a Post-I-Poem (PIP), a poetic transcription constructed from her interview data in what is now a closed study. The purpose of this investigation was to explore what could be learned from doing a PIP in the first place and what lines of inquiry this investigation could raise for why a researcher might revisit old interview data. Analysis of one student’s PIP suggests that using poetic transcription to revisit retired transcriptions offers researchers potentially new directions for further study.
Interviewing, Qualitative Research, Investigative Poetry, Alternative Methods, New Methods and Methodology
Publication Date
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Recommended APA Citation
Schrauben, J. E., & Leigh, S. R. (2019). Revisiting Interview Data Through a Post I-Poem. The Qualitative Report, 24(8), 2048-2058. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2019.3763