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How Dare We! Write – A Multicultural Creative Writing Discourse (Lee, 2017) is an anthology of the stories that writers of color and LGBTQAI+ writers have experienced and still are experiencing in the mainstream publishing world, academia, and everyday life. The book is broken into five themes in which each writer describes experiences of publishing work in the White publishing world. They describe their cultures in an imperialistic language, English, and create stories that they as people of color can relate to such as being rejected by mentors and publishers and eventually letting themselves heal from the wounds caused by being silenced and confronted by the mainstream American culture.
Writers of Color, LGBTQI+ Writers, Minority Writers, Creative Writing, Mainstream American Culture
Publication Date
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended APA Citation
Jung, W. (2018). Stories To Be Told: A Qualitative Book Review of How Dare We! Write- A Multicultural Creative Writing Discourse. The Qualitative Report, 23(4), 839-840. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2018.3458
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