

Researchers in the field or doctoral students completing a qualitative or mixed methods study would highly benefit from this book because it thoroughly covers the basics of coding, provides many different types of coding, and explains the purpose of analytic memos. There are twenty-five different types of first cycle coding and six types of second cycle coding. Analytic memos provide an avenue for the researcher to record his or her thoughts during the research process and to code the memos as additional data for the study. The companion website provides code lists, coding examples from journals, and sample interview transcripts to test your coding skills.


Qualitative Methodology, Data Analysis, Analytic Memos, Coding, First Cycle Coding, Second Cycle Coding, Themes

Author Bio(s)

Dr. Richard H. Rogers is the assistant superintendent for school operations for the Houston County School System in Georgia and a professor of curriculum with Columbus State University. Dr. Rogers earned his doctorate degree in K-12 Executive Leadership from Valdosta State University. His educational interests include education, leadership, curriculum theory, and qualitative research. Dr. Rogers published a chapter in 2016 titled “Education, Democracy, and Decency: Which Curriculum Ideology Best Addresses a Child’s Education for Democracy” in the book titled Democracy and Decency: What Does Education Have to Do With It? In addition, he presents to future education graduates at Middle Georgia State University with the goal of instilling a passion for education. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: rickyalicia@comsouth.net, followed on twitter at @drrhrogers, or connected through LinkedIn.

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