

Feminism is a broad and often misunderstood concept; for some it harks back to the suffragette movement, to others the 1960’s and 1970’s, some to today’s current political climate, and other still to something else. Contemporary Feminist Research from Theory to Practice takes a look at the herstory of feminism, feminist approaches to research, and responsibilities of feminist researchers. Leavy and Harris do a wonderful job of engaging the reader throughout the book. While each chapter builds on one another, they also stand alone, allowing for both a full-scale immersion into feminism and research, as well as essential nuggets for quick learning or bolstering knowledge. Throughout the book, the authors continue to expand on the conversation and responsibility of feminist researchers to think and approach research as “inter- and transdisciplinary” (p. v), in an effort to enlighten the reader to the multi-perspectives and opportunity to support other suppressed or minority perspective. This book is well suited for anyone interested in learning about or expanding their knowledge and application of feminist research.


Feminism, Feminist Research, Feminist Practice, Feminist Research Practice, Contemporary Feminist Research

Author Bio(s)

Stephanie Fitzsimmons is a PhD Candidate at the University of South Florida. Her research interests include: social cognitive career theory, self-efficacy, gender differences in SCCT, and STEM. Stephanie has degrees and certificates in business, math, education and six sigma. She is the STEM Education Manager for a global security company. Stephanie can be reached via email at fitzsimmonss@mail.usf.edu.

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