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A book review on Teaching Qualitative Research: Strategies for engaging emerging scholars, written by Raji Swaminathan and Thalia M. Mulvihill, published in 2018. This review offers an overall look into an instructor’s book by highlighting its unique features for teaching qualitative research in the social sciences. The review presents the main intent of the book, which is the authors’ holistic pedagogical approach for teaching qualitative inquiry. Swaminathan and Mulvihill offer readers a melding of qualitative pedagogy and holistic pedagogy, a clear strength of this book. The review concludes by sharing potential readership, as well as, possible applications.
Teaching Qualitative Research, Holistic Pedagogy, Qualitative Inquiry, Curriculum Development, Experiential Learning
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Recommended APA Citation
LaTulippe, L. L. (2018). A Holistic Teaching Approach for Your Qualitative Research Class: A Book Review. The Qualitative Report, 23(12), 3116-3117. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2018.3896
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