

The act of interviewing is a complex endeavor, and there are many pathways a researcher can take when designing their interview study. This becomes particularly critical when embarking on a study that will require participants to talk about subjects that may be sensitive in nature. In this paper, I share how I utilized a hermeneutic perspective to guide my interview study with teachers from juvenile corrections schools. I explicitly define and walk through why I selected hermeneutics. Then, I provide detailed step by step descriptions of how my data collection and analysis process was informed by the hermeneutic circle. The process is illuminated through the inclusion of findings from one juvenile corrections school teacher.


Interview, Hermeneutics, Hermeneutic Circle, Qualitative Research, Teachers

Author Bio(s)

Kristin M. Murphy is an Assistant Professor of Special Education at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to kristin.murphy@umb.edu.

Publication Date


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