

This article focuses on the methodological journey I took as a novice narrative inquirer, particularly regarding data analysis, for my doctoral data; a journey characterised by floundering, meandering, wrong turns and cul-de-sacs. It explains the initially overwhelming process of moving from collecting “data” to constructing the narratives of five postgraduate international students, challenges faced as well as lessons learned. Despite its complexities, narrative data analysis enables colour and emotion to be added to research. This article continues to add to a somewhat meagre research literature about how to move from collecting “data” to constructing narratives.


Narrative Data Analysis, Narrative Inquiry

Author Bio(s)

Dr. Gwyneth James is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Humanities at the University of Hertfordshire. Her research interests are using narrative inquiry and autoethnography to research student experience, teacher resilience and the relationship between language, identity, culture and music. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to g.m.james@herts.ac.uk.


The author thanks two previous reviewers for their helpful feedback on this article.

Publication Date


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