

The growing use of diverse qualitative approaches in the social sciences has lead qualitative researchers to seek new and innovative ways of engaging their data. Davies’ book Listening to Children: Being and Becoming is just that. Listening to Children is a scholarly text intended for an academic audience. Davies applies guiding principles of new materialism in her research and demonstrates how this approach is rich with potential when researching with children. Akin to a how-to-book for new materialism and childhood research, Davies walks her audience through the diverse analytic possibilities of new materialism within the setting of child studies. In this review, I share my thoughts and interpretations of Davies’ book and address principal concepts discussed in the text.


Review, New Materialism, Qualitative Research, Childhood

Author Bio(s)

Austin G. Oswald is a graduate student at the University of Georgia in the Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies Certificate program. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: ago22809@uga.edu.

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