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Volume 12 Number 3 September 2007
Using Grounded Theory to Understand Resiliency in Pre-Teen Children of High-Conflict Families
Marlene Pomrenke
The Interplay of “Big Five ” Personality Factors and Metaphorical Schemas: A Pilot Study with 20 Lung Transplant Recipients
Lutz Goetzman, Karin S. Moser, Esther Vetsch, Erhard Grieder, Richard Klaghofer, Rahel Naef, Erich W. Russi, Annette Boehler, and Claus Buddeberg
Hybrid Chronicles: Biracial and Biethnic Perspectives on the Pedagogy of Unlearning Racism
Stéphanie Wahab and Sunshine T. Gibson
Linguistic Alternatives to Quantitative Research Strategies Part One: How Linguistic Mechanisms Advance Research
Joseph Yeager and Linda Sommer
Using Qualitative Methods to Inform Scale Development
Noell Rowan and Dan Wulff
Linguistic Mechanisms Cause Rapid Behavior Change Part Two: How Linguistic Frames Affect Motivation
Joseph Yeager and Linda Sommer
Laughing with and at Patients : The Roles of Laughter in Confrontations in Addiction Group Therapy
Ilkka Arminen and Mia Halonen