Department of Conflict Resolution Studies Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Dissertation: Elevating Inclusion: Understanding the Employee Experience of Latinx Immigrants in the Technology Industry, Angelica Coronel
Dissertation: Balancing Acts: Navigating the Impact of Working from Home on Women, Families and Beyond, Gayle Marie Hardison
Dissertation: Why is My Hair Micromanaged in the Workplace? Black Women and Natural Hairstyles in the Federal Government, Darnella McGuire-Nelson
Dissertation: The Narratives of Successful Conflict Resolution Entrepreneurs: Evolving Career Pathways and Determinants of Business Success, Eileen Paige Petzold-Bradley
Dissertation: Forgiveness as a Critical and Transformative Factor in Sustainable Peace: Peacebuilding Women in Rumuruti, Kenya, Genevieve Mwella Sabala
Dissertation: Interpersonal Conflict, Culture and Change: Insights from Transformational Leaders, Kim Thompson
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of Ombuds as Agents of Change: From Observation to Action, Michael A. Wahlgren
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Dissertation: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Lived Experiences of Graduate-Level Peace Educators: Voices for Sustained Peace, Kwasi David Ansong
Dissertation: Competencies of Ombuds in Higher Education, Alicia Booker
Dissertation: Are You Ready to Engage? The Impact of Decisional Conflict on Advance Directives Education, Marcia Brown
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Unhealthy and Home: The Lived Experiences of African Americans Impacted by Environmental Racism in the United States, Crystal Chavis
Dissertation: Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Workplace: The Cost of Neglect and Mismanagement, Tina Ann Collins
Dissertation: The Decline of Union Membership and the Resulting Conflicts, Cynthia Cushman
Dissertation: Piney Point Cascading Disaster and Environmental Conflict: An Explanatory Case Study, Ketti Davison
Dissertation: A Confluence of Identity, Skepticism, and Acculturation: A Grounded Theory Study on Voter Engagement Among Registered Latin American Immigrant Voters, Oscar de Tuya
Dissertation: Strength in Numbers: An Exploratory Case Study on the Impact of Conflict in Multi-institutional Higher Education Collaborations, Michele Robyn Dinicola
Dissertation: Lens on Conflict: A Content Analysis Study on the Role of Hollywood in U.S. – Iran Relations, Farshad Farahat
Dissertation: Learning From the Lived Experiences of African American Senior Executives In Fortune 500 Organizations: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Black Corporate Trailblazers, Otis G. Jarvis
Dissertation: The Challenges and Transformative Experiences of Promoting Nonkilling with Anti-Nuclear Weapon Activists and Realists, Roland Joseph
Dissertation: The Challenges and Transformative Experiences of Promoting Nonkilling with Anti-Nuclear Weapon Activists and Realists, Roland Joseph
Dissertation: Reducing Workplace Conflict: A Reasonable Expectation?, Stephen Mark Kominek
Dissertation: Medical Imaging Professionals Experiencing Workplace Interprofessional Conflict: A Phenomenological Study, Robert Carroll Moody
Dissertation: Beyond Human Error: Seafarers’ Perceptions About Their Interpersonal Conflicts in a Multicultural Workplace A Typology of Seafarers’ Conflicts Contributing to Maritime Accidents, Eugenio Moreno
Dissertation: Cause for Complaint: A Case Study Exploring Office for Civil Rights Complaints and Resolutions Related to Digital Accessibility at Public Colleges and Universities, Helen Gema Muñiz Bermudez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: International Response to the Anglophone Crisis of Cameroon and Challenges to R2P: Russia and China Perspectives in Affirming or Dismissing R2P-Related Issues, Radar Jones Onguetou Essiene
Dissertation: The Digital Footprint Effect: A Grounded Theory on the Influence of Social Media on Human Resource Managers’ Hiring Decisions, Tanya Pawlowski
Dissertation: How COVID-19 Impacted the Suicide Rates: A Qualitative Research Analysis, Midline Pierre
Dissertation: Denationalization and Statelessness: An Exploratory Case Study Assessing the Impact of Dominican Republic Judgment TC 168-13, the Effects of Naturalization Law 169-14, and the International Community's Involvement, Ernst Pierre Vincent
Dissertation: When Speaking Up Fails: Experiences of Unsubstantiated Equal Employment Opportunity Allegations on the Workforce, Scottie Visser
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Dissertation: The Challenges and Issues Faced by Saudi Women When they are Appointed to New Unconventional Jobs, Ghadah Abdulhadi Alghamdi
Dissertation: Applying Arbitration to Settle Disputes in Administrative Contracts Under the New Saudi Government Tenders and Procurement Law, Maryam Radhyan Almutairi
Dissertation: Civilian Experiences and Military Perceptions of the U.S. Military During Domestic Disaster Operations, Stefan Daimon Buckman
Dissertation: The Impact of Food Justice Advocates in Creating and Influencing Public Policy, Michael Joseph Chadukiewicz
Dissertation: Perceptions of Shifting Time: Life Crossing the Edges of Conflict ; A phenomenological study of the changing nature of worldview schema and temporal constructs when experiencing cultural conflict, Ian D. Edgerly
Dissertation: Exploring Resistance Movements in Interstate Conflict and Integrated Deterrence, Michael G. Harris
Dissertation: Conflict within Special Education for Mothers of Children with Invisible Disabilities: A Case Study, Nicole R. Quint
Dissertation: Spiritual Intelligence: The Next Intelligence Tool for Conflict Resolution Practitioners?, Peter Tokar
Dissertation: Nigeria-Biafra War and the Politics of Oblivion: Implications of Revealing the Hidden Narratives through Transformative Learning, Basil Ugorji
Dissertation: A Holistic Approach to Hurricane Preparedness, Edwina A. Ward
Dissertation: Recognizing and Addressing Conflict That Emerges from Sociotechnical Change in Higher Education, Kathleen Ann Watkins-Richardson
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Dissertation: Pushed Out of High School: Narratives of Teaching Under the Testing Regime, Sheila Alexis-Fabius
Dissertation: Roundabout - How the United States Government Creates Cyclical Terrorism as it Responds to Domestic and Foreign Terrorism, Sarah Selch Andrews
Dissertation: Online Communication Wars: A Critical Recursive Frame Analysis of Online Responses to the Article entitled, “This is why Colin Kaepernick Took a Knee”, Rebecca Jean Arklie
Dissertation: Strangers in the Classroom: A Study of Black Males, Curriculum Bias, and Protracted Identity Conflict in Public Schools, Adrian N. Carter
Dissertation: Qualitative Comparative Case Study Exploring the Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Conflicts Experienced by Nurses While Utilizing EHR-Electronic Health Record Technology, Patricia Alejandra Casas
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Role of AI Twitter Bots Used During U.S. Elections: A study of how malicious Twitter bots play a role in increasing digital conflict and potentially influence voter perceptions leading up to a U.S election., Kimberly Cohane
Dissertation: Sex Based Differences in Trust and Dissent: An Exploration of Leaders and Followers in Healthcare Management, Jennifer de Zayas Carmean
Dissertation: Women as College and University Presidents: Sharpening the Needle, Janell Emmaline Gibson
Dissertation: Womenwarography: A Qualitative Exploration of Women, War, and Humanitarianism in Junction City, Kansas, Kimberly Janine Hamilton-Wright
Dissertation: Colorism Experiences of Non-White Women Leaders in Higher Education, Aimee Haynes
Dissertation: A Culture of Corruption: A Case Study of the National Culture Affecting the Socioeconomic Outcome of Haiti, Dwindell Jean-Louis Sr
Dissertation: Navigating the Human Side of Workplace Conflict: A Comparative Study of Organizational Ombuds' Similarities and Differences, Linda Kovack
Dissertation: Eliminating Silos: Developing System Design for Information Sharing in Violence Prevention, Jacqueline Kulaga
Dissertation: Sibling Conflict and Caregiving for Aging Parents, Jennifer Elise Lawer
Dissertation: Understanding Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes and the Safety Needs of Jewish People in South Florida, Ningxin Li
Dissertation: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis of Black Women and White Men Towards Interracial Marriage in America, Guerdy Sauvignon Markowski
Dissertation: Effects of Mediation on Employee Efficiency in Human Services Centers and in Other Organizations that Serve Vulnerable Populations, Mariya Mironova
Dissertation: Restorative Justice and the Impact of Community Engagement, Tanya Moss
Dissertation: Post-Conflict Transition in Chile: Considerations for Dealing with a Resistant Armed Forces, Patrick Paterson
Dissertation: Identity Formation During Nonviolent Protests: A Thematic and Structural Narrative Analysis of Interviews Conducted with March for Our Lives Protesters, Richard Shawn Queeney
Dissertation: Foresight Leadership Theory: A Grounded Theory Study of the Conflict Management Experiences of Healthcare Managers with Remote Employees, Desiree Nichole Van Campen
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Dissertation: Apart yet Still Together: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of How Coparents Navigate Conflict Post-Divorce, Rebecca Anderson
Dissertation: Heart Work: A Phenomenological Analysis of School-Embedded Program Facilitators In High-Need South Florida Schools, Takia Bullock
Dissertation: Why Would I Want To Talk To Them? An Exploration of Perceptions of Talking Across Political Divides, Melinda Burrell
Dissertation: Exploring Young Refugees’ Potential for an Alternative to Non-Violent Political Resistance in Western Sahara, Sabrina Chikhi
Dissertation: Organizational Conflict and Perceptions of Gender Equality in the United States Military, April Coan
Dissertation: Voice of the Employer: A Mixed-Methods Study of Winning Messages for NLRB Elections, John Mark Codd
Dissertation: Presidential Authoritarianism in the United States and Russia During the Metamodern Era, Christopher Davis
Dissertation: Gender Differences in Management: Employee Preference between Male and Female Managers, Aimee Fernandez
Dissertation: A Silent Dilemma: The Challenges Black collegiate Women Face Disclosing Sexual Victimization, Lawrence William Henry
Dissertation: Conflict Resolution: A Critical Analysis of the Challenges of the Government Amnesty Program in the Niger Delta and the Way Forward, Sarah Emmanuel Isong
Dissertation: A Qualitative Study on the Perceived Value of Emotional Intelligence Training on Foster Parents, Omar Shere Johnson
Dissertation: Conflict Style is not a Label: The Relationship of Age, Education Level, Work Level, Reason for Assessment, and Time Between Assessments to Conflict Style Change, Michael P. Kelly
Dissertation: The Impact of Globalization as an Economic Theory on the Mass Migration of Vulnerable Populations, Amalia Luxardo
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Healthcare Systems Design: The Impact of Technological and Regulatory Changes on the Experience of Workplace Conflict for Healthcare Professionals, Sara Mammarella
Dissertation: The Impact of Bankruptcy, Duty Related Stress and Policing in Detroit, Sarah Markel
Dissertation: The Effect of Strikes on Students Who Attended Imo State University, Nigeria, from 2012 -2017: A Phenomenological Study, Innocent Okechukwu Ntiasagwe
Dissertation: The Morning After: A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding the Process of Repair and Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Clergy Sexual Misconduct, Damion Taj Quaye
Dissertation: Prostitution in Havana, Cuba, A Conflict Analysis of “The Phenomenon of Jineterismo in Havana, Cuba.” A Narrative Study, Nery Roman
Dissertation: Correlates of War and Sino Revisionism, Douglas Sanders
Dissertation: A Brand New Narrative: Social Attitudes Toward Conflict Resolution and Inefficiency in Marketing and Branding, Emily Skinner
Dissertation: Interpreting Code Enforcement Complaint by Complaint: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Experience in Document Analysis, Daniel John Stallone
Dissertation: Exploring the Resilience in Female Sex Trafficking Victims, Petra Torri
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Effects of Trauma on Foster Youth Aging Out of the Florida Foster Care System: Implications for Supportive Interventions and Practices, Kesia Vazquez
Dissertation: A Quantitative Exploration of Conflict Potential and Perceptions of Threats, Benefits and Barriers: Toward Conflict Prevention When Dogs Visit Nature Trails, Jane Marie Szostak Walsh
Dissertation: The Verbal and Non-Verbal Indicators of Deceit in Financial and Political Fraud: A Case Study of Bernard L. Madoff, Chen Shui-Bien and Bo Xilai, Vivian Wu
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Dissertation: A Case Study of Crisis Management Training Needs: Saudi Airlines, Hussain Saad Alqahtani
Dissertation: Conflict Dynamics and Opportunities for Second-Generation Family Businesswomen in Saudi Arabia: A Phenomenological Research Study, Basmah Sulaiman Alzamil
Dissertation: Multiple Paths to Self-Sufficiency: A Phenomenological Study of South Florida Refugees’ Lived Experience, Regina Bernadin
Dissertation: Conflict, Stress and Faith Experienced by Caregivers of Bipolar Family Members, Sharonrose Bollers
Dissertation: Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence in a More-than-Human World: A Multiple Case Study Exploring the Human-Elephant-Conservation Nexus in Namibia and Sri Lanka, Cynthia Castaldo-Walsh
Dissertation: Navigating Conflict: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study of Online Higher Education Subject Matter Experts, Tammi Clearfield
Dissertation: Understanding Challenges of the Healthy Workplace Bill – An Interpretive Policy Analysis, Cynthia Contreras
Dissertation: Women in Ministry: How Conflicts Between God's Purpose and Church Doctrine Impact the Efficacy of Female Church Leaders, Nicole L. Davis
Dissertation: Intragroup Conflict among Caribbean Students in Higher Education while engaging in Group Work, Martha Cilla Des Vignes
Dissertation: The Great Recession: A Meta-Analysis Informed by Conflict Theory, Joshua J. DiScipio
Dissertation: U.S. Immigration Reform: A Policy Analysis of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act Between 2001 and 2012, Nickola Elliott
Dissertation: Youth’s Conceptualization of Peace, Violence, and Bullying and the Strategies They Employ to Address the Violence and Bullying in their Lives, Charles H. Goesel
Dissertation: A Qualitative Content Analysis of The Impact of the Media on the Opioid Crisis, Mark Haskins
Dissertation: The Future of Work: An Investigation of the Expatriate Experiences of Jamaican C-suite Female Executives in the Diaspora, on Working in Multi-national Companies, Suzette Amoy Henry-Campbell