Facilitated Dialogue: Peace Education vs Patriotic Education
Start Date
10-2-2021 5:00 PM
End Date
10-2-2021 6:15 PM
Proposal Type
Proposal Description
Since 2016, the rise in Nationalism under the current president’s leadership has revealed undercurrents of racism and structural violence throughout our nation. The President recently rallied for Patriotic Education, to further his agenda and strengthen his Nationalistic platform. His “Teach American Exceptionalism” item is under his “Fighting for You” agenda. In it, he claims that the United States does not have a racism problem, but instead that young people are being brainwashed into thinking bad things and must focus on how exceptional we, as a nation, really are.
What’s missing is actual data and grounding in theories to back up his claims that we do not have race related issues in the US, and how an American Exceptionalism curriculum would benefit schools and communities. There is, however, a large body of research on peace education in schools, and the benefits to surrounding communities.
Using theories and past research as a lens, patriotic and peace education programs can be compared and contrasted as to what effects they will have on children and communities. Two theories that will be included are critical peace education and structural violence.
Since the current presidential election is still upcoming and will have passed at the time of the conference, the topic of patriotic education will be monitored and kept current up until the date of the presentation.
Learning Objectives:
1. The audience will participate in facilitated dialogues/circles on a controversial topic in education.
2. Participants will see and access the planning and resources that go into a facilitation
3. Participants can take home and utilize facilitation and circle tools from the session to use in their own hard discussions
Facilitated Dialogue: Peace Education vs Patriotic Education
Since 2016, the rise in Nationalism under the current president’s leadership has revealed undercurrents of racism and structural violence throughout our nation. The President recently rallied for Patriotic Education, to further his agenda and strengthen his Nationalistic platform. His “Teach American Exceptionalism” item is under his “Fighting for You” agenda. In it, he claims that the United States does not have a racism problem, but instead that young people are being brainwashed into thinking bad things and must focus on how exceptional we, as a nation, really are.
What’s missing is actual data and grounding in theories to back up his claims that we do not have race related issues in the US, and how an American Exceptionalism curriculum would benefit schools and communities. There is, however, a large body of research on peace education in schools, and the benefits to surrounding communities.
Using theories and past research as a lens, patriotic and peace education programs can be compared and contrasted as to what effects they will have on children and communities. Two theories that will be included are critical peace education and structural violence.
Since the current presidential election is still upcoming and will have passed at the time of the conference, the topic of patriotic education will be monitored and kept current up until the date of the presentation.
Learning Objectives:
1. The audience will participate in facilitated dialogues/circles on a controversial topic in education.
2. Participants will see and access the planning and resources that go into a facilitation
3. Participants can take home and utilize facilitation and circle tools from the session to use in their own hard discussions
Additional Comments
Access to break out rooms in Zoom would be ideal