The Relationship Between the Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration and the Sensory Profile-2: A Pilot Study

Event Type


Start Date

12-1-2019 9:00 AM

End Date

12-1-2019 12:00 PM


Currently, several assessments exist to identify Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). A new product, the Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration (SASI), is described as affordable and time efficient. The purpose of this pilot study intends to examine the psychometric properties of the SASI and the Sensory Profile-2 (SP-2). Twentyfive children, twenty males and five females ages 4 to 7 years and 11 months, were tested. The participants included children with no diagnosed disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and/or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The objective of the study was to determine if there is a relationship between the SASI and the SP-2. A Spearman’s rho correlation analysis was computed to determine if a significant correlation exists. The results revealed a moderate negative relationship between the SASI modulation scores and the SP-2 sensory scores demonstrating insufficient data to support the hypothesis. Further testing is needed to establish the validity of the SASI.

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Dec 1st, 9:00 AM Dec 1st, 12:00 PM

The Relationship Between the Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration and the Sensory Profile-2: A Pilot Study

Currently, several assessments exist to identify Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). A new product, the Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration (SASI), is described as affordable and time efficient. The purpose of this pilot study intends to examine the psychometric properties of the SASI and the Sensory Profile-2 (SP-2). Twentyfive children, twenty males and five females ages 4 to 7 years and 11 months, were tested. The participants included children with no diagnosed disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and/or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The objective of the study was to determine if there is a relationship between the SASI and the SP-2. A Spearman’s rho correlation analysis was computed to determine if a significant correlation exists. The results revealed a moderate negative relationship between the SASI modulation scores and the SP-2 sensory scores demonstrating insufficient data to support the hypothesis. Further testing is needed to establish the validity of the SASI.