Front Matter
Cover Page
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Table of Contents
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Title Page
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Editorial Policy and Guidelines
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Cochlear Implants in the Workplace: A Nationwide Survey
M. B. Dinner, R. S. Ackley, D. J. Lubinski, T. J. Balkany, P. Reeder, and L. Genert
Gender Differences on the WAIS-R Performance Scale with Young Deaf Adults
Allan Ensor and LeAdelle Phelps
Third-Week Prediction of Incoming Postsecondary Deaf Students Probation/Suspension
Delbert Dagel and Fred Dowaliby
Educational Interpreter Services for Hearing-Impaired Students: Provider and Consumer Disagreements
Robert K. Rittenhouse, Catherine H. Rahn, and Larry E. Morreau
Back Matter
Job Advertisement
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Northern Illinois University Handout
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