Humans of NSU



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Interviewee Name

Lauren Miceli

Date of Interview

Spring 3-15-2023


NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus

Brief Bio / Description of Interviewee

My grandpa passed away September 3rd of my freshman year of college which is the day after my birthday, actually. He was such a spectacular man. He had great stories. He was just the type of person who would pick up a homeless man off the street, bring him home, give him a bath and put him in a safe place. That’s just who my grandpa was. I was told he used to pick me up in his huge green pickup truck in preschool. Since, he had all these tools in the back--he was an electrician--he would let me sit in the front. Just for a two- minute car ride. His hand always across me. He had scleroderma. He struggled for a very long time - 3 years and it got to a point where he said he was ready and my grandma said if that’s what you want that’s okay, you’re suffering. All his sons and their wives all agreed and grandpa said we’ll do it tomorrow. But grandma reminded him that it was my birthday and he said no it can’t happen tomorrow. He suffered another full day. It may not seem like a lot but where he was with his health, it was a lot to suffer an extra 24 hours. He ended up passing on the 3rd instead of September 2nd. And to be that selfless, and for me to be that important to someone, that’s what we do as a family and Grandpa definitely was the glue to the Miceli family. I know he’s looking down, any time we see a cardinal or a red bird we think grandpa is looking down on us.

Camera Equipment

Nikon Z6

Audio Equipment

iPhone 11 Pro Max


exhibit, photographs, life stories
