Humans of NSU



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Interviewee Name

Jason Nguyen

Date of Interview

Winter 2-9-2023


NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus

Brief Bio / Description of Interviewee

Between high school and college I went to Europe. Basically, like in Harry Potter in the second movie when Ron rolls up to Harry’s window with the pickup truck and they just load all his stuff in there and he flies to Hogwarts. So, on the eve of my 18th birthday, my best friend rolled up to my bedroom window and we threw in all the stuff I needed for college. He put it in a locker at his place and I went to Europe for three months. My parents didn’t know about this and I was contemplating telling them or not telling them. I had been working two jobs in secret to save up for college and the Europe trip. In Europe, I visited a bunch of friends I made in high school and I had a great hot girl European summer. I came back and went to university. That’s when I knew I loved traveling and wanted to travel after college too.

Camera Equipment

Nikon Z6

Audio Equipment

iPhone 11 Pro Max


exhibit, photographs, life stories
