Humans of NSU



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Interviewee Name

Lauren Miceli

Date of Interview

Spring 3-15-2023


NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus

Brief Bio / Description of Interviewee

For Christmas Eve, we went to church all together: my cousins from Vermont, my cousins that lived in the same town as us. We would all take up the whole pew. With my grandma and my grandpa, everyone was there. I lived a block away from the church, so everyone came over after. We would walk back to my place after and we would make the classic Italian Seven Fishes stew and the Manicotti and all that stuff. It was one of my favorite memories. We would sit there, everyone is just laughing and eating. But then a specific memory is my grandpa would sit on this big leather couch. My youngest cousin would give all the presents. My grandpa would say something like “this is the present for Lauren” and everyone would watch me open the present and we would play with them after. All of a sudden there was a tradition that we would all sit on top of grandpa on this tiny chair. That is my favorite memory. Especially because it has my grandpa in it too.

Camera Equipment

Nikon Z6

Audio Equipment

iPhone 11 Pro Max


exhibit, photographs, life stories
