Humans of NSU



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Interviewee Name

Lauren Miceli

Date of Interview

Spring 3-15-2023


NSU Tampa Bay Regional Campus

Brief Bio / Description of Interviewee

People say I am that loud Italian girl and I am! I love talking about family, I love asking questions. I feel like it has helped me really get a sense of community at a young age. I think it’s important to see that asking for help isn’t a problem. I think my family and the traditions we have, whether Italian or Miceli, have made me into more of a confident, sure of myself, willing to help others, type of person. I think that’s why I am here, in medical school, becoming a doctor. It is empowering to me to know that my education is going to help me save lives. That’s humbling and that’s scary. I think that all the traditions growing up have shaped me into being the person that wants to help and take care of people. It just so happened that a doctor is what I ended up with.

Camera Equipment

Nikon Z6

Audio Equipment

iPhone 11 Pro Max


exhibit, photographs, life stories
