Department of Occupational Therapy Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures

Department of Occupational Therapy Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures

A selection of presentations from the faculty in the College of Health Care Sciences - Department of Occupational Therapy at Nova Southeastern University.


Submissions from 2017

Sensory Processing Patterns of Children With Autism and Reduced Visual Convergence, Nicole Quint

Using SCOPE-IT Model, Collaborative Consultation, and Performance-Based Assessments to Enhance Group Therapy in Schools., Nicole Quint

Designing Safe, Playful and Fidelity Based Sensory Integration Environments, G. A. Reinoso and T. J. Decker

Today’s fieldwork students and Fieldwork educators: The impact of Generational Cohorts in Contemporaneous Practice, G. A. Reinoso and T. J. Decker

Assessment and Intervention on the Sensory Processing Problems of Children with a Diagnosis of Autism, Gustavo Reinoso

The content and scope of an scientific publication, Gustavo Reinoso

Advances in the Measurement and Intervention of proprioceptive based problems in children with sensory integration dysfunctions: An evidenced-based approach, Gustavo A. Reinoso

Clinical Observations of Sensory-Motor performance, Gustavo A. Reinoso

"Family based intervention for Children with Sensory Processing Disorders: We Play Too!, Gustavo A. Reinoso

Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration, XV Occupational Therapy Congress Citizenship and Human Rights: From Finances to Practice, Gustavo A. Reinoso

Sensory Integration: Current views in measurement and therapeutic intervention, Gustavo A. Reinoso

Sensory Processing: New research findings in proprioception and its clinical impact, Gustavo A. Reinoso

Sensory Processing Problems in Children with Diagnosis of Autism: Measurement and Intervention Historical Perspectives in Occupational Therapy Using a Sensory Integration Approach., Gustavo A. Reinoso

Teaching Graduate Students a Relationship-Oriented Model of Leadership while Reaching for National and International Learning Experiences, Gustavo A. Reinoso

The Evolution of Sensory Integration Theory within Occupational Therapy in the Argentine Republic, Gustavo A. Reinoso

The use of the questionnaire for the measurement of sensory responsivity in children with a diagnosis of autism (QMSR),, Gustavo A. Reinoso

Designing Safe, Playful and Fidelity Based Sensory Integration Environments, Gustavo A. Reinoso and T. J. Decker

Today’s fieldwork students and Fieldwork educators: The impact of Generational Cohorts in Contemporaneous Practice, Gustavo A. Reinoso and T. J. Decker

"(AOTA/AOTF) AJOT and OTJR Editors Share Tips to Get Your Manuscript Published, L. Richards, S. Classen, S. Page, L. Alvarez, R. Bendixen, Mariana D'Amico, B. Doucet, D. Smith, and T. Jirikowic

Smart Wave – Intelligent meal preparation system to help older people live independently, J. Russo, A. Sukojo, S. Helal, Rick D. Davenport, and W. Mann

Reliability and validity of the BTE-Primus grip tool, O. Shechtman, Rick D. Davenport, M. Malcolm, and D. Nabavi

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Administration of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Assessment and treatment of sensory integrative disorders, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Assessment and Treatment of Sensory Processing Dysfunction in Infants and Young Children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Assessment and Treatment of Sensory Processing Dysfunction in Infants and Young Children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Assessment and Treatment of Sensory Processing Dysfunction in Infants and Young Children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Assessment and Treatment of Sensory Processing Dysfunction in Infants and Young Children.", Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Blending sensory integration and neurodevelopmental treatment approaches., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Blending Sensory Integration and Neurodevelopmental Treatment Approaches in Intervention with Infants and Young Children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Blending Sensory Integration and Neurodevelopmental Treatment Approaches in Intervention with Infants and Young Children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Blending Sensory Integration and Neurodevelopmental Treatment in Early Intervention, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Blending Sensory Integration and Neurodevelopmental Treatment in Early Intervention, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Development and validation of the Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Development and validation of the Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Dysfunction, assessment and treatment of the vestibular system in children with autism, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Harnessing the power of the vestibular system in rehabilitation., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Infants with Uterine Cocaine Exposure: Strategies for Assisting Self-Regulation, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Interpretation of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Interpretation of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Interpretation of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Introduction to Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing Disorders., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Introduction to Sensory Integration Disorders and their Treatment, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neurobiological Foundations of Sensory Integration, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neurobiological Foundations of Sensory Integration, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neurobiological Foundations of Sensory Integration, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neurobiological Foundations of Sensory Integration, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neurobiological Foundations of Sensory Integration., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neurodevelopmental and Brain Sequelae of Violence in Children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Neuro-Developmental Treatment and Sensory Integration---Why They Need Each Other, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

nterpretation of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Object Manipulation in Toddlers: Contribution of Intrauterine Cocaine Exposure, Maternal-Child Interaction, and Home Environment, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Regulatory Disorders in Infants and Young Children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Relationship Between Scores on a Measure of self-concept and Sensory Integration Performance, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Sensory integration assessment and intervention: Theory and strategies, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Sensory integration in the womb and beyond, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Sensory integration theoretical perspectives, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Sensory Integration Theory, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Sensory Integration Theory and Treatment, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Sensory integrative disorders and their impact on occupation., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

The Motor Side of the Premature Infant, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

The Sensory and motor sides of the premature infant, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

The Sensory and motor sides of the premature infant., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

The Sensory Side of the Premature Infant, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Touch, Attachment, and Tactile Defensiveness in Victims of Abuse, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Touch, Attachment, and Tactile Defensiveness in Victims of Abuse, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Touch, Attachment, and Tactile Defensiveness in Victims of Abuse, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler

Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration: Pilot study with five and seven year olds, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler, J. Ausec, and J. Pickavance

Blending sensory integration and neurodevelopmental treatment in the evaluation and treatment of young children, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler and S. Capelovitch

Interpretation of the Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler and R. C. Carrasco

Neurobiological foundations of sensory integration., Susan A. Stallings-Sahler and R. C. Carrasco

Screening Assessment of Sensory Integration: Pilot Normative Study, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler and T. Moore

Pediatric Practitioner to Entrepreneur: Creating a Successful, Evidence-Based Private Practice, Susan A. Stallings-Sahler and R. Obregon-Gerco

HPD Faculty Connections Cafe, "OT Roles and Responsibilities: A Foundation for Interprofessinal Collaboration,", Jacqueline Reese Walter

Interprofessioal Education Update, Jacqueline Reese Walter

Nova Southeastern University Health Care Profession Students' Knowledge About Occupational Therapy, Jacqueline Reese Walter

Reliability of a Smart Phone Coniometere Application for Small Joint Measurements, Jacqueline Reese Walter

Rubrics for Enhancing Teaching and Learning, Jacqueline Reese Walter

The Effectiveness of an Ergonomic Program for Cosmetologists, Jacqueline Reese Walter

Using Single Subject Designs to Evaluate Client Progress, Jacqueline Reese Walter

Addressing the Challenges and Improving Outcomes in Dementia Care, Mirtha M. Whaley

Alert, Oriented and at Risk, Mirtha M. Whaley

And Now What? Living and Functioning With Dementia, Mirtha M. Whaley

An Occupational Therapy Model for Promoting Occupational Engagement and Preventing Excess Disability in Dementia Care, Mirtha M. Whaley

Considering Health Disparities in Nursing Homes: An Interdisciplinary Approach for Reducing “Excess Disability, Mirtha M. Whaley

Dark occupations: What we all need to know about human trafficking, occupational disruptions, and wellness, Mirtha M. Whaley

Effect of Personal and Practice Contexts on Occupational Therapists’ Assessment Practices in Geriatric Rehabilitation, Mirtha M. Whaley