HCBE Faculty Presentations

Event Location / Date(s)

12th IAMB Conference/Warsaw, Poland

Event Name / Location

Proceedings of the 12th IAMB Conference

Presentation Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding




The dramatic and rapidly unfolding domestic and global changes of the last quarter of a century demand that we review and revise our national and international premises, principles and structures without further delays. A fundamental re-focus is needed if we are, as a nation and as a global world, to optimize the opening opportunities and minimize both their intended and unintended negative effects. Some of these evolving shifts are to be found within the issues of Globalization, Religion vs. Secularism, Immigration, Balance of Economic and Political Power, Moral Values in the Family and in the General Culture, Political Systems, Ideologies and Corporate Corruption. Good and honest business and political leaders are alike in their good intention of making their communities financially stronger and competitive across the globe. However, their strategies can be contradictory if not aligned with a common vision and long-term development strategies. This paper discusses the concept of market-based management practices for business leaders and offers a historical observation of where has been and where it can be going over the coming decades if economists, business leaders, and influential political giants all join hands toward one common vision for the global development purposes based on fundamental moral and ethical values. Suggestions, observations and implications for future competitiveness and development activities within the general frame of reference of spirituality in economics are presented. It is also of utmost importance that we review and revise the validity of our self perception and intentions as nation-states to more accurately understand and reflect the real motives behind general and specific actions. This reality check is very relevant so as not to delude ourselves and begin our path to revisions under a misguided evaluation of our real intentions and hence of the objective and moral validity of our convictions and actions. For starters, we must realize that we do not hold neither ideological nor economic supremacies anymore, and that we are competing globally in both areas against viable opposition. Neither delusion nor arrogance can save the day anymore, if they ever really did. This may be a fundamental assumption in the relevance of the relatively recent introduction of the concept of spirituality in the study of economics. To this effect, we offer the following strategic plan.

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