
Submissions from 1990

Developmental Needs of the Young Adult: Points of Conflict and Resolution, Mark J. Cavanaugh

Forbidden Love in Old Irish and Early Modern Irish Romance, James E. Doan

Women as Other and Otherworld Women in the Welsh Romance Peredur, James E. Doan

Women as Other and Otherworld Women in the Welsh Romance Peredur, James E. Doan

Women as Other and Otherworld Women in the Welsh Romance Peredur, James E. Doan

Private and public international law, Stephen R. Levitt


Sea Turtle Nesting and Hatching Success in Broward County, Florida, 1989, Catherine A. Mattison, Curtis M. Burney, and Louis E. Fisher

Employee’s Right to Privacy: Access to Personnel Files by Federal Funding Sources, Judith Mckay

Origin of Whitings: A Biologically Induced Nonskeletal Mechanism, L. L. Robbins and Patricia Blackwelder

A Short History of Feminist Thought, Kate Waites

The Missing Story in His-Story, Kate Waites

Which Will it Be, the Spider or the Bee?: Matthew Arnold’s View of Culture as Savior, Kate Waites

Public Power And Private Ends: The United States District Court, Southern District Of Texas and the Changing Role of the Lower Federal Courts, Charles L. Zelden

Submissions from 1989

NSU Festival Orchestra, Mark J. Cavanaugh

The Behavioral Sciences and the Humanities, Mark J. Cavanaugh

Use of a UNIX-based System for Assessment and Conferencing, Mark J. Cavanaugh

Vienna 1900: Mahler, Freud, and Klimt, Mark J. Cavanaugh

Artemisia Gentileschi: Women as Artist and Subject, James E. Doan

The Science of Gender and the Gender of Science, Ben Mulvey

'Awhir With a Buoyant Business Progressiveness': The Impact of the United States District Court, Southern District of Texas on the Development of Southeast Texas, 1902-­1918, Charles L. Zelden

Submissions from 1988

Celtic Goddesses, James E. Doan

Gaelic Women's Responses to the Elizabethan Settlement of Ireland, James E. Doan

Irish Relations with the Norse in Dublin, 837- 1014, James E. Doan

Ecological Studies of a Cyanobacterial Infection on the Caribbean Sea Plume Pseudopterogorgia acerosa (Coelenterata: Octocorallia), Joshua S. Feingold


Decline of Coral Growth Rates at Negril, Jamaica, T. J. Goreau, Richard E. Dodge, and P. D. Goreau

Coral Fluorescence Records Everglades Hydrology: 1918-1983, T. J. Goreau, Richard E. Dodge, P. D. Goreau, and J. Dunham

Lecture, Matthew He

Reflections on the Current State of Philosophy, Ben Mulvey


The Physiological Implications of Bleaching of Corals Off Southeast Florida, C. J. Reese, G. S. Kleppel, and Richard E. Dodge

Defending the People's Harbor: Illinois Central Railroad v. Illinois and the Debate over Government Control of Public Resources in the Late Nineteenth Century, Charles Zelden

Public Harbor, Private Harbor? Illinois Central Railroad v. Illinois and the Public Trust in the Nineteenth Century, Charles Zelden

That The Law Be Put To Just Use: The Impact of Joseph C. Hutcheson on the Development of Houston, 1918-­‐1931, Charles L. Zelden

Submissions from 1987

Educational Systems of Jamaica and England: Products of a Colonial Legacy Face the Future, Barbara Brodman

The Global Marketplace: The Need and Demand for International Skills in Business, Barbara Brodman

Women Warriors and Prophets in Celtic Society, James Doan

The Adventure of Abhlach': an 18th-century Redaction of a 15th-century Irish Romance, James E. Doan

Distance Matrices, Fuzhen Zhang

Submissions from 1986

Discipline, Achievement, and Mental Health, Mark J. Cavanaugh

Breton Folklore, James E. Doan

Irish Women as Literary and Ecclesiastical Patrons, 1400-1600, James E. Doan

Patrons of the Arts and Pirate Queens: Women in 15th- and 16th-Century Ireland, James E. Doan

The Heart of a Hero and the Mind of a Soldier: Women Warriors in Celtic Societies, James E. Doan

Women in Continental Celtic Society, James E. Doan

Women in Late Medieval Irish Society, James E. Doan

Sartre and Marcus Aurelius, Ben Mulvey

Submissions from 1985

A Study Trip to England: An Interdisciplinary Approach, James E. Doan

Celtic Influences on Arthurian Literature, James E. Doan

Legal, Magical and Mythological Elements in the Welsh Tristan Material, James E. Doan

Sovereignty Aspects in the Roles of Women in Medieval Irish and Welsh Society, James E. Doan

Sovereignty Aspects in the Roles of Women in Medieval Irish and Welsh Society, James E. Doan

Sovereignty Aspects in the Roles of Women in Medieval Irish and Welsh Society, James E. Doan

Survivals of Celtic Myth in Folklore about the Poet Cearbhall O Dalaigh, James E. Doan

The Poet Cearbhall O Dalaigh in Medieval Irish Literature and Modern Folklore, James E. Doan


The Effect of Dispersed Oil on the Calcification Rate of the Reef-Building Coral Diploria Strigosa, Richard E. Dodge, A. H. Knap, Sheila C. Wyers, H. R. Frith, T. D. Sleeter, and S. R. Smith

Fallout Plutonium and Naturally-Occurring Radionuclides in Annual Bands from Montastrea annularis, Broward County, Florida, J. H. Freeman, Larry K. Benninger, and Richard E. Dodge

Tropical Oil Pollution Investigations in Coastal Systems (TROPICS), Charles D. Getter, Bart J. Baca, Thomas G. Ballou, Melvin S. Brown, Anthony H. Knap, Richard E. Dodge, and Thomas D. Sleeter

Needs versus Rights: State Subsidized Abortions, Ben Mulvey

Feeding Time Differentially Affects Fattening and Growth of Channel Catfish, Teresa A. Noeske, Richard E. Spieler, Nick C. Parker, and Mary Anna Suttle

Submissions from 1984

Measurement of the Cardiac Rhythm Using a Doppler Device, Victor Castro, M. Cabrera, and C. Rodriguez

Angevin Arts and Architecture during the Reign of Eleanor of Auitaine (1137-1204), James E. Doan

The Animal Style in Celtic and Thracian Art, James E. Doan

The Animal Style in Celtic and Thracian Art, James E. Doan

The O Dalaigh Family of Bardic Poets, 1139-1691, James E. Doan


Image Analysis of Coral Skeletons for Extension Rates, Calcification Rate, and Density, Richard E. Dodge and Kevin E. Kohler

Phase Sensible Detector using Op-­‐Amps, C. Rodriguez, M. Cabrera, and Victor Castro

Submissions from 1983

Fallout Pu in Annual Bands from the Coral Montastrea annularis, St. Croix, USVI, Larry K. Benninger and Richard E. Dodge

A Comparison between the Fourier Spectrum Corresponding to AM and FM Demodulated Signals in an Ultrasound Doppler Equipment, M. Cabrera, J. Figuera, Victor Castro, and A. Cedeno

On the Possibility of Using de One Crystal in the Transducer of a Continue Ultrasound Wave Doppler Equipment, Victor Castro, J. Figuera, A. Cedeno, and M. Cabrera

Improvements in a Cardiac Monitoring Ultrasound Doppler Equipment, A. Cedeno, J. Figuera, M. Cabrera, and Victor Castro


The Animal Style in Celtic and Thracian Art, James E. Doan

The Animal Style in Celtic Art, James E. Doan

The Folk Song Tradition of Cearbhall O Dalaigh, James E. Doan

Time-Of-Day of Feeding Affects Growth, Fattening, and Serum Hormone Levels in Channel Catfish, Teresa A. Noeske, Richard E. Spieler, and W. C. Parker


Ghostly Encounters of the Caribbean Kind: Representations of the Fat Black Woman’s Body in Anthony Winkler’s The Duppy, Andrea Elizabeth Shaw-Nevins

Paraeopod Morphology and Locomotion in the Amphipod Genera Cerapus and Siphonoecetes, James Darwin Thomas

Submissions from 1982

Mediterranean Influences on Insular Manuscript Illumination, James E. Doan

Mediterranean Influences on Insular Manuscript Illuminations, James E. Doan

Discovery of a Radical Metamorphosis in the Commensal Amphipod Family Anamixidae., James Darwin Thomas

Submissions from 1981

A Comparison of the Love Poetry of the Two 17th-century Irish Poets Named Cearbhall O Dalaigh, James E. Doan


Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh as Archetypal Poet in Irish Folk Tradition, James E. Doan

Cearbhall O Dalaigh in Irish Literary and Folk Tradiiton, James E. Doan

The Late 17th-century Cearbhall O Dalaigh: A Recently Discovered Ulster Poet, James E. Doan


Growth Characteristics of Reef-Building Corals Within and External to a Naval Ordinance Range: Vieques, Puerto Rico, Richard E. Dodge

Elevated Pleistocene Coral Reefs of Haiti: Uranium Series Dating, Richard E. Dodge (editor), Richard G. Fairbanks, L. K. Benninger, and Florentin Maurrasse


The Time-of-Day Goldfish Receive a Single Daily Meal Affects Growth, Teresa A. Noeske, David A. Erickson, and Richard E. Spieler

Mouthpart Morphology and Feeding Behavior in the Amphipod Families Animixidae and Leucothoidae, James Darwin Thomas

Submissions from 1980

Cearbhall O Dalaigh as Trickster Figure, James E. Doan

Submissions from 1979

The Cearbhall O Dalaigh of Irish Legend: How many Poets Does He Represent?, James E. Doan

Submissions from 1978

The Mexican Cult of Death in Chicano Literature, Barbara Brodman

The Breton Pardons, James E. Doan

The Immigration and Settlement of the First Doans in California, 1850-1900, James E. Doan

Coral-Thermometry: A Method for Determining Past Surface Water Temperature Variations, Richard G. Fairbanks and Richard E. Dodge

Circadian hormone basis for seasonal conditions in the gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, Albert H. Meier, Albert J. Fivizzani Jr., Richard E. Spieler, and Nelson Horseman

A Look at Causality, Ben Mulvey

Submissions from 1977

A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Breton Cantique Texts, James E. Doan

A Structural Approach to Celtic Saints Lives, James E. Doan

Emile Souvestre and Hersart de la Villmearque: A Comparison of Two 19th-Century Breton Folklorists, James E. Doan


Climatic Implications of Barbados Coral Growth, Richard E. Dodge, Karl K. Turekian, and J. Rimas Vaisnys

Society's Wall and Modern Ethnic Literature, L. M. Grow

Diel and Seasonal Changes in Response to Stimuli: A Plague and a Promise for Mariculture, Richard E. Spieler