HCAS Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches, and Lectures | HCAS Collected Materials | Nova Southeastern University


Events from 2025

Optimizing Light Spectrum to Upscale Grow-Out of Coral Recruits for Restoration, * Liam A. Abrams, Nicole Fogarty, Hannah Koch, Keri O'Neil, and Joana Figueiredo

A Stingray’s Preferred Menu: A Wide Selection of Small Invertebrates, * Shelby Boyles, Jessica Schieber, and George Duncan

Break, Symposium Break

Break, Symposium Break

Break, Symposium Break

Break, Symposium Break

Stable Isotopes and Heavy Metals as Trophic Discriminators among Southeast Alaska Gray Wolves and Northern Sea Otters, Miranda Brohman

Answers in a Drop of Water: eDNA and its Application in Marine and Freshwater Conservation, Susana Caballero Gaitan

A New Threat? Investigating Unusual Lesions on the Florida Keys’ Largest Corals, Arelys Chaparro


Artificial Intelligence Meets Quantum, Raul Coto Cabrera

Differences in Secondary Consumer Behavioral Responses to Predators on Natural and Artificial Reefs in South Florida, Lauren E. Dalton

Spatial and Thermal Trends in Stony Coral Endosymbiont Identity Along the Southeast Florida Reef Tract, * Delaney Deinlein and Joshua S. Feingold

Caribbean Gorgonian Coral-Zooxanthellae Network: Establishing Critical Symbiotic Relationships in an Uncertain Climate, * Brady Estrada and Timothy Swain

Predicting Demography From Species Traits: Larval Development Time and its Sensitivity to Warming Depend on Egg Size in Corals, Joana Figueiredo

Characterization of Potential Marine Microbial Degraders of PHA using Phade Straws, * Emma Rose Gellman, Kirk Dotson, Kyle Pisano, and Jose V. Lopez

Thermal Tolerance Across Depth-Segregated Orbicella Corals, * Matias Gomez-Corrales Ph.D., Tómas López-Londoño PhD, Naomi Huntley M.S., Manuel Olmeda-Saldaña M.S., Francisco González M.S., Willow Dunster B.S., Ernesto Weil Ph.D., Roberto Iglesias-Prieto Ph.D., and Carlos Prada Ph.D.

Endoparasite Community of the Invasive Grey-Headed Swamphen (Porphyrio poliocephalus), Alexia Hilber

Keynote: Master of the House? Emerging Insights on the Cell Biology and Ecology of Coral-Dinoflagellate Mutualisms, Todd C. LaJeunesse

Octocoral Microbiome: Towards an Understanding of Octocoral-Bacteria Interactions on Florida’s Coral Reefs, * Ronen Liberman and Jose Victor Lopez

Various -omics Tools Reveal the Versatility of Cyanobacterial Bloom Formers in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed, * Jose V. Lopez, Lauren E. Krausfeldt, Paisley Samuel, Robert Smith, Barry Rosen, and Hidetoshi Urakawa

Identification of Crustose Coralline Algae Species in Florida and Their Ability to Induce Coral Larval Settlement in Florida of Caribbean Corals, Danielle Macias

Coral Physiological Response to Deoxygenated Seawater, Jennifer E. Mallon

Exploring the Thermal Sensitivity of Mitochondrial Function of a Model Cnidarian: Developing Approaches to Evaluate Metabolic Disruption Between Host and Symbiont, Eloy Martinez

Genomic Assessment of Ancestry and Natural History in a Captive Tiger Living in New York City Projects, * Steven O'Brien, George Duncan, Henry Jones, and Shu-Jin Luo

Introductions, HCAS Graduate Science Research Symposium Organizing Committee

Lunch, SGA & Organizing Committee

Lunch, SGA & Organizing Committee

Prize Announcements, SGA & Organizing Committee

In Memoriam: Professor Charles Messing (1948-2023), Symposium Organizing Committee

Representation of Populations in Human Oral Microbiome Research, Andrew T. Ozga

Fostering Conservation Through Shark Tourism: Attitudes, Behaviors, and Impact, Elizabeth C. Saraf

Parasite surveys of Hypanus sabinus and H. say hosts in the Indian River Lagoon Estuary, * Sarah Sargent, David Kerstetter, and Christopher Blanar

Concluding Banquet, HCAS SGA

Regional Differences in the Effects of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease and Antibiotic Treatments on the Fecundity of Orbicella faveolata in Florida, * Reagan Sharkey, Hannah Mazurek, Abigail Renegar, Cheryl Woodley, Greta Aeby, Karen Neely, Gareth Williams, and Brian Walker

Elemental Mimicry in Seal Teeth Reveal More Than You Realize, Ally E. Sheehan

To the Deep End and Beyond: Deep-Pelagic Research in the NSU Oceanic Ecology Lab, Tracey Sutton


Asymptotic Matrix Behaviors and Iterative Algorithms, Tin-Yau Tam

Estimated Carbon Flux of Argyropelecus aculeatus within the Gulf of Mexico, Sidney R. Trimble

Sharks in the Parks: Use of MPAs by Silky Sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, *Jeremy Vaudo, Pelayo Salinas de Leon, Ryan Logan, Jenifer Suarez-Moncada, Bradley Wetherbee, and Mahmood Shivji

Regional Survivorship, Predation and Growth of Outplanted Fragments from Resilient Orbicella Faveolata in Southeast Florida, Alex S. Wagner

Pacific Pit Stops: Leveraging Genomics to Understand Scalloped Hammerhead Aggregations in the Galapagos Islands, Geoffrey Walker

Experimental Core Healing in Orbicella faveolata as an Indicator of Colony Health, * Alexander G. Wheeler, Reagan Sharkey, Hunter Noren, Cheryl M. Woodley, Abigail Renegar, and Brian K. Walker

Keynote: Bioluminescence And Beyond: Milestones And Missions, Edie Widder

Temporal Effects of Recurrent Disturbances on Coral Traits in the Southern Persian Gulf, * Samara Zinman, John A. Burt, Nicholas P. Jones, Jeneen Hadj-Hammou, Bernard Riegl, and Andrew Bauman

Comparative Life-History Strategies of Two Sympatric Stingray Species From the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, Jordan M. Zulli

Events from 2024


Extensions of Algebraic Frames, Papiya Bhattacharjee


Extensions of Algebraic Frames, Papiya Bhattacharjee


Newton's Electromagnetic Bucket, Angelina Georg


Optimal Control of Coefficients for the Second Order Parabolic Free Boundary Problems, Ali Hagverdiyev


Fibonacci Numbers and Symmetry in Tai-Chi Motions, Matthew He


Preservative Splitting Numerical Schemes for Solving a Variable Coefficient Quenching Problem, Julienne Kabre


Group Representations & Quantum Theory, Vehbi Paksoy

Majorization Polytopes, Fuzhen Zhang

Events from 2023


1324-Avoiding (0,1)-Matrices, Megan Bennett

What Our Policies Say: Inclusive Language Practices for Syllabi Writing, Melissa Bianchi, Juliette Kitchens, Adele Leon, Claire Luttkewitte, and Star Vanguri


Excursions in Vector Calculus, Diego Castano


The Heisenberg Lie Algebra and its role in the Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator, Angelina Georg


The Heisenberg Lie Algebra and its role in the Quantum Mechanical Harmonic Oscillator, Angelina Georg




Mean Value Theorems for Analytic Functions, Lubomir Markov


Irreducible representations of sl(2,C), Della Medovoy


Irreducible representations of sl(2,C), Della Medovoy


Lie Algebras and Lie Groups, Nhi Nguyen


Lie Algebras and Lie Groups, Nhi Nguyen


Coastal Circulation in a Western Boundary Current Using Gliders and a Wirewalker, Alfredo Quezada, Alexander Soloviev, John Kluge, Geoffrey Morrison, Terry Thompson, and Brian Ettinger


Sea Spray Generation Function Due to Shear-Induced Instabilities of the Air-Sea Interface Under Tropical Cyclone Conditions, Alexander Soloviev and Breanna Vanderplow


Eigenvalue and Singular Value Inequalities via Extreme Principles, Fuzhen Zhang

Submissions from 2022

Substantiation and Validation of the Benefits of CUREs in STEM using a Combination of Self-Reported Gains and Alignment with Learning Objectives, Monica Aguiar, Luzcarime Saco Vertiz, Mina Ghali, Rachel Keating, Ane Mashiach, Rajin Persaud, Kayla Rubalsky, Akshata Sastry, Irene Stepensky, Trisha Sudhakar, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora

A Spatial Assessment of Impacts to the Flats Fishery by Recreational Boating in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Kristin Anderson


One iteration for the second boundary condition for the nonlinear one dimensional Monge-Ampere equation, Gerard Awanou

Do habitat degradation and chemical alarm cues alter the escape behavior of a schooling coral reef fish?, Monica D. Bacchus

Parasites of raptorial birds of South Florida, Vanessa R. Blanchard, Christopher A. Blanar, and David W. Kerstetter

Abundance, Site Fidelity, and Association Patterns of Coastal Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) off the Coast of Southeast Florida, Graysen D. Boehning, Barbara Brunnick, Stefan Harzen, Lauren Nadler, and Amy Hirons


On the Linear Independence of Finite Gabor and Wavelet Systems, Abdelkrim Bourouihiya

Spatio-Temporal Symbiont Mosaics Influence on SCTLD Susceptibility in Orbicella faveolata, Samantha F. Buckley, Brian K. Walker, Caroline Dennison, and Andrew Baker


The Effect of Fluorinated Substitution of Meso Phenyl Porphyrins on Porphyrin Basicity, Harsh Chheda, Rushi Patel, Maria Ballester Ph.D., and Victor Castro Ph.D.


The Effect of Fluorinated Substitution of Meso Phenyl Porphyrins on Porphyrin Basicity, Harsh Chheda, Rushi Patel, Maria Ballester, and Victor Castro

Evaluation of Nearshore Carbonate Chemistry Within Major Navigational Inlets of the Southeast Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area, Harrison Davis

Comparative study of homocoupling reactions to create 2,2’-bipyridine adducts, Ethan DePry, Hoa Le, and Beatrix Aukszi

Heroines in Literature and Film, Aileen M. Farrar

Seeing and Observing: Care and the Medical Humanities, Aileen M. Farrar


Silence: Women’s Narratives of Illness and the Haiku, Aileen M. Farrar

TikTok Tourette’s: Social Media & Patient Narratives, Aileen M. Farrar

What Comes Next?, Aileen M. Farrar


Conference Conventions & Etiquette: Redux, Aileen M. Farrar and Marlisa Santos

Periodic Spatial Disturbances Alter the Expression of Quorum Sensing Virulence Factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Laura García-Diéguez

Sewage-based epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in South Florida, Eben Gering


Distance and Interpersonal Analysis on Learning Progression of Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Biochemistry, Mina Ghali, Kayla Rubalsky, Irene Stepensky, Santanu De, and Arthur Sikora

NSU Marine Turtle Tracking: What we know so far about the post-nesting movements of loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtles nesting in Broward County, FL, Glenn D. Goodwin and Derek A. Burkholder

Investigating the specific phosphorylation sites of the human mineralocorticoid receptor using phospho-mapping, Valentina Guidi, Beatrix Aukszi, and Anastasios Lymperopoulos

Banquet, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences SGA

Coffee Break, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences SGA

Coffee Break, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences SGA

Coffee Break, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences SGA

Lunch, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences SGA

Lunch, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences SGA

Morning Coffee, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences SGA

Morning Coffee, Halmos College of Natural Sciences and Oceanography SGA


How Prey Defense Patterns Predator-Prey Distributions, Evan Haskell

Evaluating the Effect of Symbiodiniaceae on the Survival, Acquisition, and Growth of Newly Settled Corals of Three Caribbean Species, Michael B. Hood